![]() |
ID |
Name |
Location |
Comments |
Date |
2382 |
Naaman Kaddoura |
Canada |
My best wishis to all of you,and to all of Suhmata people and to all of our relations.
Waiting to go back to our homes in Palestine and see our lovely village Suhmata. |
Monday 19th 2014f May 2014 07:10:49 PM |
2379 |
ABNAA' SUHMATA Association |
Tarsheha |
بمناسبة حلول عيد الميلاد المجيد وراس السنة الميلادية , تتوجه جمعية ابناء سحماتا, لإخوتنا ابناء الطائفة المسيحية بشكل خاص ولجميع ابناء سحماتا بشكل عام , بتحية
كل عام وانتم بألف خير
راجين من الله عز وجل ان تكون السنة المقبلة سنة عطاء , محبة وسلام , كما ونتمنى بهذه المناسبة ان يجتمع جميع ابناء سحماتا وجميع المهجرين من ابناء شعبنا الفلسطيني قريبا على ارض وطننا الحبيب وان يعم السلام العادل ربوع العالم اجمع .
Saturday 28th 2013f December 2013 02:35:20 PM |
2376 |
Ayad Qasem Mohammad Musa |
Germany |
Greetings from Germany. I want to thank everybody who invented this page and automaticly made the People from Sumatra concourse on this Website and probably we all will concourse right in the blossoming suhamata. We won't stop remembering and we won't stop fighting for Suhmata. |
Friday 27th 2013f September 2013 01:43:35 PM |
2372 |
abnaa suhmata association |
haifa |
بمناسبة حلول عيدي الميلاد المجيد ورأس السنة المباركة
تتقدم جمعية أبناء سحماتا بأطيب التهاني والأمنيات
إلى جميع أهالي سحماتا , وتتمنى أن يحيوا أعيادهم في قادم
الأيام في قريتهم الحبيبة ويتبادلون تهاني الفرح في
حضنها بعد طول غياب . |
Friday 21st 2012f December 2012 10:06:58 AM |
2371 |
Abed Moussa |
Canada |
To Mr. Wajih Sama'n
I want to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Wajih Sama'n for being the most superb website manager. Mr. Sam'an leadership for the last 7 years has been remarkable and inspiring. I know many other Suhmatians and friends of Sohmata feel the same way,eventhough we might often forget to tell you how much we appreciate you.
Thank you again for your wise and strong leadership.
Abed Moussa
Canada |
Thursday 20th 2012f December 2012 01:40:27 PM |
2370 |
Abdallah Balche |
Denmark |
ahlan wa sahlan bkol abna2 so7mataa |
Thursday 01st 2012f November 2012 03:34:41 PM |
2369 |
Khaled J. Kaddoura |
Holland |
Saturday 27th 2012f October 2012 05:41:16 AM |
2362 |
flora |
monrovia |
Friday 13th 2012f July 2012 11:56:36 AM |
2360 |
Walid Jabr. Kaddoura |
Beirut-Lebanon |
Best regards to all the people who work on ABNAA' SUHMATA.com
Keep up the good work.
Saturday 28th 2012f April 2012 03:57:16 AM |
2359 |
abnaa suhmata association |
haifa |
يسرّ جمعية أبناء سحماتا أن تتقدم بأحلى الأماني وأحر
التهاني إلى المحتفلين من السحامنة بعيد الفصح المجيد ,
متمنين أن تضم قريتنا الحبيبة كل أهلها في أحضانها وأن
نتبادل المودة والتهاني في جميع أعيادنا
وكل عام وأنتم بألف خير |
Thursday 05th 2012f April 2012 10:40:42 AM |
2355 |
Mohamad kaddoura |
abu dhabi |
Dear Kaddoura family members we established a group on facebook (kaddoura family - Suhmata) please join us there, we are going to download kaddoura family tree and photos and other things , it will be group where we can know each other
mohamad kaddoura |
Monday 27th 2012f February 2012 04:03:30 AM |
2352 |
Mohamad Kaddoura |
Quebec, Canada |
Thank you.. Excellent site. Happy New Year for family and friends. looking forward to view more pictures of the village in the future. Good Job..
mohamad.kaddoura@mcgill.ca |
Monday 02nd 2012f January 2012 10:44:12 PM |
2351 |
abnaa suhmata association |
haifa |
بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد وحلول رأس السنة الميلادية
المباركة تتقدّم جمعية أبناء سحماتا بأحر التهاني
وأعطرها إلى جميع أهالي سحماتا في الوطن ودنيا الشتات ,
راجين أن نحيي كل أعيادنا مع كل شعبنا الفلسطيني وجموع
العائدين إلى الديار في ظل الحرية والاستقلال على تراب
الوطن الغالي |
Wednesday 28th 2011f December 2011 11:21:56 AM |
2350 |
Khaled jabr Kaddoura |
Holland |
Dear all,Happy new year.
Wednesday 28th 2011f December 2011 07:16:24 AM |
2349 |
Dr. Mahmoud Ali Ahmad Kaddoura |
Boston, USA |
Assalamu alaikum my dearest family and friends,
My best regards to ALL my brothers, sisters, fathers, moms, and friends from our invaluable home town SUHMATA and the holy land Palestine. This is Mahmoud Ali Ahmad Khalil Kaddoura, a College Professor and Graduate Programs Coordinator in Boston, MA, United States of America. Visiting this website obliges me to extend my deepest appreciation to the coordinators and contributors to the success of the site and to whomsoever participates in any kind of posting. Reading your comments brings a lot of hot memories to mind from Al Rashidyeh, in which I was born among my dearest ahl and relatives; Baalbeck, in which I was raised; Beirut in which I studied at AUB and worked at the American University of Beirut; the United Arab Emirates, in which I taught for the Ministry of Health and met many of our relatives; and last but not least in the United States of America, in which I have got my Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Education, and PhD in Health Professions Education with High Distinction (GPA 4.0) alf al hamo lellah. I dedicate my entire honored educational certificates to our holy land Palestine and beloved town Suhmata, in which I have hope we will all meet inshaAllah. Warmest hugs to all of you my dearest friends from Suhmata. |
Sunday 11th 2011f December 2011 01:21:36 PM |
2348 |
Rami Assaas Othmane |
Eid Mubarak.I wish you a happy time with your family & friends in this holy occasion |
Sunday 06th 2011f November 2011 03:03:07 PM |
2347 |
yassir kaddoura |
Saida- Lebanon |
كل عام وأنتم بخير وأعاد الله هذا العيد على شعبنا بالخير واليمن والبركة
غداً وبعد صلاة العيد نتجه لمعقل أهالي سحماتا - مخيم الرشيدية - حيث تجتمع العائلة عند الحاجة نجيبة محمد توفيق قدورة وقد تجاوزت االخامسة واالثلاثين من العمر.. فالعيد من غيرها لا يحلو.. صحيح نتمناكم معنا جميعاً، ولكن فرحتنا عندما نلتقي ونجتمع بكم على أرضنا سحماتا.. وقد بتنا قريبين إليها أكثر من أي وقت مضى..
مجدداً تحياتي للجميع وكل عام وأنتم بخير |
Saturday 05th 2011f November 2011 02:48:11 PM |
2346 |
Abed Moussa |
Canada |
To Br. Yassir Kaddoura: Thanks for your comments on my letter " the return to Sohmata". My e-mail address is : abedmoussa@hotmail.com. Wish you and all family a very happy Adha Eid. May this occasion brings all palestinians and sohmatans peace, progress,and Prosperity. Eid Mubarak
Abed Moussa |
Wednesday 02nd 2011f November 2011 03:36:10 PM |
2345 |
abderahman from suhmata |
lebanon |
salamy lel gameea. |
Wednesday 28th 2011f September 2011 04:29:56 AM |
2344 |
عبد الرحمان من سحماتا الحبيبة |
lebanon |
سلامي لاهالي قرية سحماتا في الوطن الحبيب ، شو اخباركم واخبار القرية ؟ |
Wednesday 28th 2011f September 2011 04:16:26 AM |
2343 |
yassir Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
سلام للجميع
لقد قرأت رسالة عبد موسى وتأثرت لهذه الزيارة لأرض سحماتا.. يا رين حدا يزودنا بعناونه للمراسلة.. وكذلك نأمل من أهلنا الذين يعيشون داخل فلسطين من أبناء سحماتا أن يساهموا معنا في استكمال شجرات العائلات لكل عائلات البلدة على موقع هوية www.howiyya.com
وأخص بالذكر عائلات سمعان، موسى، ومحمود وقدورة
وعندما ننتهي من هذه المرحلة من العمل سنزود موقع أبناء سحماتا بكامل التفاصيل إن شاء الله.. |
Friday 09th 2011f September 2011 06:00:24 PM |
2342 |
salam Al yamani |
تحية طيبة وبعد
من المفترض أن يقوم تلفزيون المنار يوم غد الأربعاء بعرض حلقة خاصة عن قرية سحماتا، وذلك عند الساعة السادسة والنصف مساء بتوقيت بيروت.
يشارك في الحلقة: الأستاذ خالد عزام (أبو وليد)، جبر حمادة ( أبو منير)، رابعة قدورة ( أم بسام عثمان) وياسر قدورة.
وتفضلوا بقبول فائق التقدير والاحترام
Salam Al Yamani
Wednesday 07th 2011f September 2011 06:15:37 AM |
2341 |
helena |
haifa |
نتقدم بأحر التهاني وأجمل التبريكات الى الجميع بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك ومبارك على الجميع وأعاده الله باليمن والخير والبركات وليكن صوما مقبولا وافطارا شهياوكل عام وأنتم بألف ألف خير |
Friday 05th 2011f August 2011 12:23:32 PM |
2340 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
haifa |
رمضان كريم وكل عام وأنتم بألف ألف خير |
Wednesday 03rd 2011f August 2011 10:40:27 AM |
2338 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
haifa |
بمناسبة حلول عيد الفصح المجيد
بقلوب ملؤها الوفاء والمحبة تتقدم جمعية أبناء سحماتا
بأعطر التهاني إلى المحتفلين بهذا العيد , راجين أن يحيي
أهالي سحماتا في مستقبل الأيام كل أعيادهم بين جناحيها ,
وهم يرتدون ثياب العزة والفرح والعودة ضمن احتفالات
شعبهم . |
Saturday 16th of April 2011 11:01:05 AM |
2336 |
mahmod |
batu pahat |
Salam 1Malaysia |
Wednesday 06th of April 2011 02:57:40 PM |
2335 |
Hassan Souleiman Kaddoura |
Al Ain, UAE |
Salam To All Folks,
Warm congratulations to all who helped in making this project a reality! And SALAM to all! In shaa' Allah the day of gathering in our Home land Palestine is getting closer; hopefully, it will be soon! |
Monday 28th of March 2011 10:14:54 AM |
2333 |
Jay Nortel |
United Kingdom |
Thank you for the excellent site!
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011 05:20:07 AM |
2332 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
تتقدّم جمعيّة أبناء سحماتاإلى جميع أهالي سحماتا في الوطن
ودنيا الشّتات وإلى عموم أبناء شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني
وأمتنا العربية بأحر وأعبق التهاني بمناسبة حلول عيد
المولد النبوي الشريف,راجين أن تضيئ تباشير الحرية
والاستقلال سماء الجميع, وأن تتكلل بعودة اللاجئين
والمهجرين إلى الديار |
Monday 14th of February 2011 10:51:54 AM |
2331 |
Hashem Kaddoura |
UAE, Sharjah |
Great appreciation to all your efforts, and wish you all the best in whatever activity you carry on, to promote awareness of our holy land, amongst the new generation. Allal bless you and your efforts, and if there is anything, i can do from here, please advice. Best regards to all members of the group, and Allah will be with the rightuious people. |
Friday 04th of February 2011 06:58:20 AM |
2330 |
Bachir |
Lebanon |
شكرا لكل من يساهم في هذا العمل.
Saturday 29th of January 2011 04:32:25 PM |
2329 |
ola yamani |
lebanon |
يا جدي لقد رحلت لكنك باق في قلوبنا وعقلنا
وسنبقى نردد فلسطين لن ننساك ولن نرضي وطناً سواك. لقد كان ابو ماهر اليماني من الشعب الى الشعب حمل هم القضية الفلسطيينية حتى اخر رمق
الله يرحمك يا جدي |
Friday 28th of January 2011 01:06:09 PM |
2327 |
مجد عبد السلام الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
سحماتا يا نبع المحبة والحنان
قلبي بين أديكي عرف معني الأمان
أنتي السما والأرض أنت جنتي
أنتي وطن قلبي علي طول الزمان |
Sunday 16th of January 2011 05:50:42 AM |
2326 |
نـــــور عبد السلام الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
أعدوا وأفق الشوق يأخذني
لوطن الحبيب حنيني يسبقني
اشدوا وأنشدُ كلام الحب لأجله
وأتوقٌ شوقآ لمن ينتظرني
أقول لهُ أنت كياني وعالمي
وكمُ المشاعر اليك تحملني
Sunday 16th of January 2011 05:39:40 AM |
2325 |
عبد السلام الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
وطني الغالي
والله لو حرمني الزمن من لقياك
ماراح يحرمني غير الموت من ذكراك
غالي انت ياوطني وهذا وعد ماأنساك |
Sunday 16th of January 2011 05:07:16 AM |
2320 |
Dr Samir Ayoub ( abo thaer ) |
Amman - Jordan |
ابو ماهر
يا حبيبنا واخانا وأبانا ورفيقنا ومعلمنا والله ما عرفناك الا فارسا طيبا خلوقا متواضعا صادقا صلبا محبا لكل ابناء شعبك وامتك . ستبقى في رحيلك كما في حياتك كما كنت بيننا نعتز بأننا عرفناك ورافقناك وتعلمنا منك كل ما نفخر به من خلق ومن قيم نفاخر بها الدنيا.
يا الله كم احببناك وكم نحبك وسنبقى على العهد
تليق بك الشهاده وعهدنا لك ان تحتفي بك جماهير التحرير على ارض فلسطين ولو طال السفر يا ابن كل فلسطين والامة العربية
كل حر تتلمذ على يديك ينحني امامك وامام كل فرد في اسرتك وابناء سحماتا التي انجبتك وابنا فلسطين التي تضم اشواقك والامة العربيه التي تعتز بك ابنا وفيا من ابنائها البرره.
والنبي يا ابو ماهر تسلم على الحكيم وعلى ابو علي مصطفى وغسان وكل شهيد قضى من اجل فلسطين حره عربيه ابيه من البحر الى النهر
الدكتور سمير ايوب
عمان الاردن |
Sunday 09th of January 2011 02:17:38 PM |
2316 |
Ahmad Jabre kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Suhmata and Palestine say good bye to one of its sons, Ahmad Hussien Al Yamanee, Abo Maher.
One more oak tree has fallen and the distance to Suhmata still way too far. Abo Maher's dream like other Palestinians who died away from Palestine never came through. Their dream was to see or be burried in Palestine.
This is our destiny to suffer as long as we are kept out of our country.
One day for sure we will go back, that day needs a lot of sacrifices.
The road of freedom needs us to be united all together, fight and defeat the occupation.
Long live Palestine and sorry Abo Maher you died away from Suhamat but what makes the sorrow easier is that Beirut will hold your body.
Beirut the city who fought and defeated the occupation. Salam to Beirut from Suhmata and the same from Suhmata to Beirut. |
Tuesday 04th of January 2011 02:18:43 PM |
2315 |
Ahmad Jabre Kaddoura |
Beirut |
I wish you all a merry Chrismas and a happy new year. |
Wednesday 22nd of December 2010 03:34:22 PM |
2314 |
tripole lebanon |
يلي رايح صوب سحماتا سلملي على الاهل والاصحاب |
Saturday 18th of December 2010 04:54:37 PM |
2313 |
helena |
haifa |
كل عام
وأنتم بخير
بمناسبة العام
1432 |
Tuesday 07th of December 2010 11:40:23 AM |
2311 |
Bassem Ahmad Ali Murra |
Lebanon - Beqaa |
Like my brother Adnan Suhmata in the heart forever. |
Monday 25th of October 2010 03:23:45 AM |
2310 |
David |
Pakistan |
Great site thanks! |
Wednesday 20th of October 2010 01:07:07 AM |
2309 |
khalid salah hussein |
berlin germany |
ilove allpalastainevery where. |
Tuesday 28th of September 2010 06:06:44 PM |
2307 |
helena |
haifa |
أحر وأصدق التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول وحضور عيد الفطر السعيدأعاده الله عليكم وعلينا بالبركة
وكل عام ونحن بألف ألف خير |
Friday 10th of September 2010 06:01:42 AM |
2306 |
ahmad |
danmark |
السلام عليكم
كل عام وأنتم بخير كما أسأل الله القدير بأن يمن علينا بصلاة التراويح في المسجد الاقصى هذا العام انه على كل شء قدير |
Saturday 21st of August 2010 09:44:15 AM |
2305 |
Ali Omar Kaddourah |
syria |
i want to sent my regards to my relatives in suhmata,UAE and Lebanon on behave of my family here in syria
we hope to meet in one place in one day we hope so
Im Ali omar ali kaddourah
my mother is seham loutfi aljeshi
my brothers is Alaa and Amro kaddourah
Friday 20th of August 2010 04:36:39 PM |
2304 |
Dr. Mohamed Hammoud |
Lebanon |
اجمل التحيات و الامنيات و التبريكات بقدوم شهر رمضان المبارك اعاده الله عليكم بالعزة و النصر و ان نصلي معا في رحاب المسجد الاقصى |
Saturday 14th of August 2010 05:51:13 PM |
2303 |
jaykuntar |
Lebanon |
this is wonderful |
Monday 09th of August 2010 10:52:05 PM |
2302 |
jaykuntar |
Lebanon |
very good! |
Monday 09th of August 2010 10:50:39 PM |
2301 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
يسرّ جمعية أبناء سحماتا أن تبعث إلى أهالي سحماتا في الوطن ودنيا الشتات وإلى جميع أبناء شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني بأحر وأعطر التهاني بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك , متمنين أن تعود علينا هذه المناسبة السعيدة ويكون قد تحقق الحلم بالعودة إلى الديار ويلفنا الوطن بين جناحيه في ظل الحرية والعزة والكرامة |
Monday 09th of August 2010 10:51:11 AM |
2300 |
Ibrahim Al 3ajarmeh |
sadeeqi al moqarab so7mati w 2oo7ayi al so7matiyeh jamee3ohom!!! |
Friday 30th of July 2010 06:46:59 PM |
2299 |
Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed |
Lebanon |
salame ela so7mata 3arost flestien al 7abeba
san3ooood... |
Tuesday 27th of July 2010 03:16:49 AM |
2298 |
Ali kaddourah |
syria |
Thursday 22nd of July 2010 01:31:10 AM |
2297 |
mo'taz qadourah |
sohmata(hometown) |
qadoura bil la7em wil dam w 3ashoo il so7mateyeh min kbeerhom la zgherhom
2ana so7mati w ya niyali
so7mati 3ami w so7mati 5ali
3ashoo feeha w matoo jdadi
sohmata 3izi w so7mata bladi
wallah bada7ee bi kol il 3alam w bas 2arja3 2aqabel 2ard blady bas ashem il trab w 2agablo
2arro7 3ind gaber jiddi w 2azooro ! wallah omniyet 7ayat 2arja3 w 2at3araf 3ala 2abnaa 3asheeraty il qadourah(kaddoura) w wlad balady il so7mateye
Wednesday 07th of July 2010 05:57:18 PM |
2296 |
Adnan Murrah |
Suhmata is in the Heart forever... |
Saturday 19th of June 2010 06:47:27 AM |
2295 |
Dr. Mahmoud Ali Kaddoura |
Boston, USA |
Assalamu alaikom my family, relatives, and friends,
I just admire whomever developed this website and send them my best gratitude and warmest appreciation. I would like to see more communication among the members of this website as we are all one family; relatives, friends, brothers and sisters. I would like to share some information about myself.
I am Mahmoud Ali Ahmad Khalil Kaddoura, the son of al Haj Ali (Alla yirhamoh) and Rawanda Kaddoura (Allah yirhamha. My wife is Mona Mohammed Khachan (from Sohmata) and my children are Mohammed and Ahmed Kaddoura.
I was born and raised in Lebanon, graduated from the AUB, and worked at the American University of Beirut before I moved to the United Arab Emirates. In Sharjah, I taught for the Ministry of Health before moving to the United States. In America, I got my certificate of advanced graduate studies (CAGS) and then my doctoral degree (PhD) in Health Professions Education, both with distinction (GPA 4.0).
In Boston, I taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and Simmons College. Presently, I am a professor at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. I live with my wonderful family in our own house in Brookline, Massachusetts, USA.
I love my family and relatives and I miss all of you. Kindly stay in touch. My email is:
Assalamo alaikum my dearest family.
Thursday 27th of May 2010 09:28:07 AM |
2294 |
Farah Kaddoura |
its a nice feeling to know that we belong to this place but at the same time its bad once you you that you cant smell it . . |
Saturday 01st of May 2010 09:47:15 AM |
2293 |
Akram ِAhmad Fares Kaddoura |
UAE-Abu Dhabi |
for all suhamateez mothers, happy mother's day and wish for u all a blessed life, love u my mom, love u all suhmateez
by the way, what is the plural of suhamti:D? |
Sunday 21st of March 2010 09:24:55 PM |
2292 |
yehya mohamad |
oxford england |
i am y7ya mohamed alhaj hasan
my origins are from se7mata
does any one know who we are?
in 1948 my grandfather al hag hasan imigrated to lebanon.
plz any help to know any member who still living in palestine will be apreciated. |
Friday 19th of March 2010 02:23:38 PM |
2289 |
Sean Woods |
Great Site ! |
Thursday 25th of February 2010 09:45:26 AM |
2288 |
Abnaa' Sumata Association |
Haifa |
بمناسبة عيد المولد النبوي الشريف يسر جمعية أبناء
سحماتا أن تتقدم إلى أهالي سحماتا في الوطن ودنيا
الشتات وإلى شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني بأرق وأعطر
التهاني , آملين أن يعود علينا هذا العيد وعلى أحبتنا
اللاجئين والمهجرين ونحن نرفل بثياب العودة , والعزّة
والفرح |
Wednesday 24th of February 2010 12:07:53 PM |
2282 |
Mahmoud Salim Kaddoura |
Toronto-Canada |
Salamat ela Jamee3 al aqareb al a7ebba ,,
Happy new year and inshallah we will meet in Suhmata soon |
Saturday 23rd of January 2010 12:08:07 PM |
2278 |
ãÇáß ÇíæÈ |
ÓÍãÇÊÇ - ÒíæÑÎ - ÓæíÓÑÇ |
ÈãäÇÓÈÉ Íáæá ÚíÏ ÇáãíáÇÏ ÇáãÌíÏ æÇÞÊÑÇÈ ÑÇÓ ÇáÓäÉ ÇáãíáÇÏíÉ äÊÞÏã Çáì Çåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáßÑÇã ÈÇáÊåÇäí æÇáÊÈÑíß ÑÇÌíä ãä Çááå ÚæÏÉ ÞÑíÈÉ.
áÞÏ ÛØì ÇáÊÑÇÈ ÇáÈÑßÉ æØÇá ÇäÊÙÇÑ ÍÌÇÑÉ ÇáÑÍÈÉ æÓÞØÊ ÇæÑÇÞ ÔÌÑ ÇáÊíä ãä ÌÏíÏ æÇåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ áã æáä íÝÞÏæÇ Çãá ÇáÚæÏÉ. æãÚ ßá íæã ÌÏíÏ íÊÌÏÏ ÇáÍáã ÇáÞÏíã áíÍãáå Ìíá ÈÚÏ Ìíá
Monday 21st of December 2009 03:04:57 PM |
2277 |
khaled kaddoura |
leb |
بمناسبة عيدي الميلاد و رأس السنة الهجرية اتقدم من جميع اخاني و اخواتي في رابطة سحماتا بأحر التهاني و التبريك اعاد الله علينا هذه المناسبة بالوحدة مجتمعين تحت سقف واحد في بلدتنا الحبيبة سحماتا |
Saturday 19th of December 2009 03:52:30 AM |
2275 |
sawsan kaddoura |
turkey |
ahh yabaladna enshallah byom feeni zorik wshem trabek |
Friday 11th of December 2009 04:14:58 AM |
2273 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
تتقدّم جمعيّة أبناء سحماتا بأعطر التحيات وأعبقها إلى
أهالي سحماتا الأحبة في الوطن والشتات بمناسبة عيد
الأضحى المبارك , راجين أن تبقى راية العودة خفّاقة حتى
يأتي اليوم الذي تستقبلنا فيه ثغور سحماتاونعيّد كل
أعيادنا هناك في حضنها الطهور . كما ونبعث في هذه
المناسبة السعيدة بأحر التهاني إلى شعبنا العربي
الفلسطيني وأن يحقق أمانيه في الوحدة والحرية وبعودة
لاجئيه ومهجريه الى ديارهم وأراضيهم |
Tuesday 24th of November 2009 09:13:10 AM |
2272 |
ayyoub ayyoub |
Canada |
Good morning to all:
I did not know before that we have many talented writers from Ayyoub family.
I read some of Hassan stories or memories about his tough childhood. Also read some for Malek and Ahmad articles.
This family is too rich of writers. I wonder why they do not join together and make some books. Their books could be translated to many languages.
I am ready to finance them, they can contact me at any time.
Love to all. |
Saturday 31st of October 2009 12:25:58 AM |
2271 |
Dr. Mahmoud Ali Kaddoura |
Boston, USA |
My dear Family,
My best greetings and warmest regards to all the Suhmatta relatives in general and to the Kaddoura family brothers and sisters in particular. I have been living in Boston, USA for a while and I missed Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and all of you.
Mahmoud Ali Ahmed Khalil Kaddoura, PhD. |
Sunday 11th of October 2009 12:37:04 PM |
2270 |
fadi |
leb |
good morning my lover suhmata |
Wednesday 07th of October 2009 06:52:56 AM |
2269 |
zaher mohammad mourra |
abu dhabi |
الى عموم أهلنا في سحماتا الغالية وكل فلسطين
الى الأهل والأقارب الكرام في عموم الشتات والى أهالي الشهداء والمناضلين.
الى فلسطين بعربها مسلميها ومسيحيها الذين كانوا وسيبقون اخوة في السراء والضراء.
الى الإخوةالأحبة الى أهلنا الذين لم نراهم في جمعية أبناء سحماتا اليكم جميعا يا أهل القرية المعطأة.
كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة حلول الفطر السعيد والسنة القادمة في سحماتا باذن الله.
Tuesday 22nd of September 2009 02:23:47 AM |
2267 |
مالك أيوب |
زيورخ سويسرا |
كل المحبة والتباريك الى ابناء بلدتنا الحبيبة بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك، أعاده الله على الجميع بالخير والبركة مع الدعاء بلقاء الوطن قريبا وكل عام وانتم بخير |
Monday 21st of September 2009 01:18:58 AM |
2266 |
Awad Muhiddeen AlJishi |
Lebanon |
اهالي بلدتي العزيزة
بعد السلام و التحية
و الاشتياق الى رحاب الأرض
بمناسبة الفطر السعيد كل عام و انتم بالف خير والعودة العودة العودة الى كنف الارض الطاهرة
و قبل كل ذلك و قبل البكاء على الأطلال حبذا لو يكون هناك جمعية لآهالي البلدة مليئة بعضد التعارف و زيادة في معرفة الأجيال لبعضها البعض |
Sunday 13th of September 2009 05:13:04 AM |
2265 |
murat |
turkey |
بالصور .. فلسطين في العهد العثماني
Ottoman Palestine Picture Archives
[You Can Download 1.200 Big Size, Rare, Historic Pictures About The Ottoman Palestine]
[Pictures, Photographs, Illustrations, Maps]
http://www.ottomanpalestine.com |
Thursday 10th of September 2009 04:06:27 AM |
2262 |
lebanon/saida |
رساله معطره بعطر الياسمين تحملها حمامة السلام من ارض السلام الى كل مسلم مضمونها
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخوتي في الله
كل عام وانتم بالف الف خير
وجعل الله اعياد المسلمين كلها خير وسلام وامن
Saturday 22nd of August 2009 06:17:03 AM |
2261 |
zahir Mohammad Mourra ÃÈæ ãÍãÏ |
UAE - Abu Dhabi |
Çáì åãæã ÃåáäÇ Ýí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÛÇáíÉ æßá ÝáÓØíä
Çáì ÇáÃåá æÇáÃÞÇÑÈ ÇáßÑÇã Ýí Úãæã ÇáÔÊÇÊ áÈäÇä ÓæÑíÉ ÃãÑíßÇ ßäÏÇ ÈáÌíßÇ ÇáÅãÇÑÇÊ ÇáßæíÊ ÇáÓÚæÏíÉ.
Çáì ÇáÕÇãÏíä Ýí ãÎíãÇÊ áÈäÇä ÓæÑíÉ ÛÑÉ ÇáÖÝÉ æÇáì ÃåÇáí ÇáÔåÏÇÁ æÇáãäÇÖáíä.
Çáì ÝáÓØíä ÈÚÑÈåÇ ãÓáãíåÇ æãÓíÍíåÇ ÇáÐíä ßÇäæÇ æÓíÈÞæä ÇÎæÉ Ýí ÇáÓÑÇÁ æÇáÖÑÇÁ.
Çáì ÇáÅÎæÉ ÇáßÑÇã Çáì ÇáÃÍÈÉ Çáì ÃåáäÇ ÇáÐíä áã äÑÇåã Ýí ÌãÚíÉ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ Çáíßã ÌãíÚÇ ÃíåÇ ÇáÓÇåÑæä Úáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ
ßá ÚÇã æÃäÊã ÈÎíÑ ÈãäÇÓÈÉ Íáæá ÇáÔåÑ ÇáßÑíã æÇáÓäÉ ÇáÞÇÏãÉ Ýí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÈÇÐä Çááå.
Wednesday 19th of August 2009 10:17:07 AM |
2260 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
بقلوب ملؤها الحب والوفاء تتقدّم جمعية أبناء سحماتا إلى
أهالي سحماتا الاعزاء في الوطن ودنيا الشّتات وإلى شعبنا
العربي الفلسطيني بأحر التهاني بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان
المبارك ,آملين أن يعود علينا وقد تحققت الأماني في
الوحدة والحرية والكرامة والعزة وتقرير المصير , وبعودة
اللاجئين والمهجرين إلى أملاكهم وديارهم |
Tuesday 18th of August 2009 03:01:51 AM |
2259 |
ahmad alkubaa |
no home |
كم انا سعيد عندما اسمع اخباركم واتمنى ان اكون معاكم
سلامي لقريتي ترشبحا |
Monday 29th of June 2009 04:42:19 PM |
2258 |
alia kaddoura |
germany |
انا عليا مصطفى حسين قدورة ابوي مصطفى حسين علي قدورة امي شيخة لسعد قدورة بسلم عليكي يا خزنة مخائيل كتير كتير وبشكرك لاني شفت صورتك وحضرت الفيلم تبعك وانت حاملة حجارة سحماتا. اولاد عمتي بدر عنكن بالرامة من سحماتا وبسلم عليكن وبسلم على كل طفل من سحماتا بارض فلسطين وعلى جميع الاهل كبير وصغير مسيحي ومسلم على ارض سحماتا ببعت السلام على كل اهل سحماتا. وبسلم على دار رزق قيصر بالبقيعة اجوا لعنا على المانيا بهديهن سلامي انا زوجة محمد كامل فاعور قدورة المرحوم عندي خمس شباب وبنت واجا صديقنا من المانيا على سحماتا ووصيناه يجبلنا تراب من سحماتا وجبلنا تراب انت محتفظة يا خزنة بالحجار احنا محتفظين بالتراب من ترابات الجورة اللي عند زتونة العرب بعدنا ما نسينا. والسلام عليكم |
Friday 26th of June 2009 09:59:19 AM |
2255 |
عبد السلام عبد الرحيم الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
سحماتا وحشتيني
وحشتيني يا أغلى عندي من نظر عيني
وحشتيني يافرحة عمري وسنيني
متى ألقاك ترى زاد حنيني
وبعدك ثوب الحزن كاسيني
يالله شو مشتاق بحضنك تضميني
ترى كتير كتير مشتاقلك يانظر عيني
Thursday 21st of May 2009 08:05:23 AM |
2254 |
عبد السلام عبد الرحيم الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
إلى كل أهالي قريتنا الحبيبة الغالية في فلسطين والشتات
اسمحوا لي أن أنقل لكم تحيات أهلنا بسوريا وأخص منهم والدي عبدالرحيم محمد عارف الجشي
والحاجة هدية محمود توفيق الجشي
Sunday 10th of May 2009 02:49:58 PM |
2252 |
Mohamed Kaddoura |
Dubai - UAE |
Thursday 23rd of April 2009 01:58:16 PM |
2251 |
Bilal Hussein |
Hello Eveybody,
Happy Easter |
Saturday 18th of April 2009 02:19:33 PM |
2250 |
Ali Saleh Hussein |
Springfield, Il. U.S.A. |
Salam to everybody from this village. I thank everyone who put this site together. I would like to be in touch with this heritage. I am the grandson of Khalid Abdallah Hussein who was born in 1915 and died in Rachedieh Camp in Lebanon in 1997. |
Saturday 18th of April 2009 02:14:18 PM |
2249 |
Jamal Samy Fahed Mohammed Assaad |
France |
Hello to all,
I am proud to be originiare of Suhmata. I hope meet you all in suhmata. |
Saturday 18th of April 2009 03:10:53 AM |
2247 |
مالك أيوب |
زيورخ سويسرا |
اهالي سحماتا الكرام
بمناسبة عيد الفصح المجيد اعاده الله عى الجميع بالصحة والسعادة والعافية نبارك لكم هذه المناسبة مع املنا بالعودة القريبة الى رحاب قريتنا الجميلة وكل عام وانتم بخير |
Thursday 09th of April 2009 08:24:49 AM |
2246 |
nathalie assaad |
France |
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be here, my stepfather was from suhmata!
Long and happy life to everybody,
Nathalie Assaad |
Monday 30th of March 2009 10:36:38 AM |
2245 |
sami assaad |
Turkey |
SUHMATA is always HEART. |
Sunday 29th of March 2009 03:22:13 PM |
2244 |
Assaad Imane |
France, Lille |
I'm happy to be here !
My grand-father was born in Suhmata.
Imane. |
Sunday 29th of March 2009 01:37:41 PM |
2243 |
Bassel K. El-Haj Ibrahim |
Riyadh- Saudi Arabia |
It is an honor to be visiting this nice and respectable site. I was enriched with the information I have red, especially about Haifa city where I belong.
Again my apreciation and respect. |
Monday 23rd of March 2009 07:30:37 AM |
2241 |
Assad Yaakoub Yaakoub |
Lebanon |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تحياتي إلى كل من أهالي بلدي مع إشتياقي للجميع
أسعد يعقوب وأولاده |
Wednesday 18th of March 2009 02:32:58 PM |
2240 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
يسرّ جمعية أبناء سحماتا أن تبعث في يوم المرأة العالمي
الى نساء سحماتا وفلسطين والأمة العربية والعالم بأحرّ
وأعطر التحيات , آملين أن يتمكن شعبنا من تحقيق حريته
ووحدته واستقلاله وعودة لاجئيه ومهجريه الى ديارهم ..
وأن يعم السلام في العالم أجمع
وكل عام وأنتن بألف خير |
Saturday 07th of March 2009 02:50:54 AM |
2239 |
Hala Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
A Land rapped
A civilization slaughtered, dismissed, terrorized
Blood Shattered, Splattered
People Starving
Hypnotized world
A land Occupied
A civilization murdered, demonized, genocide
People Bleeding
Children fighting
Parents Sacrificing
Neighborhoods destroyed
Families Vanished
Violations, Transgressions
Contaminations, Sophistications
Pain Pain Pain
Suffocations, Asphyxiations
Palestinians Deceived, Betrayed, Deluded
Still Standing Alone
Still Holding On
Against the World
For my land |
Sunday 22nd of February 2009 01:37:45 PM |
2237 |
عبد السلام عبد الرحيم الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
سحماتا..لوالمسافة ترفض إني أشوفِك
خلي إتصالِك غصِب عنها يجيني
وإذا إتصالِك تمنعه ظروفِك
يكفي رسايل شوق بينِك وبيني
وإن كان مالي حظ حتى بشوفتِك
خليكي بعيد ومسكِنك وسط عيني! |
Sunday 22nd of February 2009 07:36:44 AM |
2234 |
sirene walid kaddoura |
danmark |
wonderful website thx for this . keep going on. |
Sunday 15th of February 2009 05:14:00 AM |
2233 |
Amani |
usa |
Hi everyone, i'm a new guest here. |
Monday 09th of February 2009 05:15:07 PM |
2230 |
Adnan Murrah |
Congratulation to all the palestinian, arabs and muslims people the victory in Ghaza
....adnan..... |
Friday 23rd of January 2009 01:35:36 PM |
2228 |
Ahmad Moussa |
Canada |
Salam to all the people of palestine, where ever they are and most importantly the people of Gaza whose strength and unshakable spirit keeps our heads up in pride. The world wide political bodies have stood against one of the smallest inhabited territories in the world(approximately 51 km by 11 km ) and yet not one inch of Gaza was able to be occupied. The reasoning behind this is that no matter how great one is(militarily, political etc) , nothing is greater than the power of the divine and a divine cause
Here is a nice song video for Gaza for all to see. Thank again for the great website
Ahmad |
Friday 23rd of January 2009 10:39:20 AM |
2226 |
Mohamad Amin Hosni El Jachi |
abudhabi-Uae |
Am the grand son of Hosni El Jachi (may god bless his soul). He kept telling me all the nice lovable moments of his life in suhmata. Even My Father(Amin Hosni El Jachi) and my mother(Nahla Ali Kadoora) kept passing this to my generation and am so glad to find this site from which i can be closer to the people of my origin.We live in abudhabi since 1981 and am currently working here since 1999. I thank all who participated in this and i believe that this is the greatest evidence that our cause will never die and we shall return to our motherland soon Inshallah. |
Saturday 10th of January 2009 12:20:39 AM |
2225 |
Lana Al Jachi |
--- |
It is really great to see the village online! a million thanks for creating this site! my biggest dreams will always be that my kids will live on their land; i hope i will live to see it happen... |
Friday 09th of January 2009 04:33:02 PM |
2223 |
zahir mohammad mourra |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
الأخ العزيز وجيه سمعان المحترم
جميع الأهل والإخوة الأحبة في سحماتا الحبيبة وفلسطين الحنونة
وسائر دول الشتات والمهجر
أحيكم وأتمنى لكم أعياد ميلاد مجيدة سعيدة وسنة جديدة حافلةبالرخاء والسعادة وموعدنا في سحماتا انشاء الله
دمتم فخرا وذخرا للوطن الغالي فلسطين الحبيبة
أخوكم أبومحمد / زاهر محمد مرة أبوظبي |
Wednesday 17th of December 2008 01:12:26 AM |
2222 |
مجد عبد السلام الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
هناك أنس يحفرون فينا مشاعر رائعة ويتركون في أنفسنا ذكرى لاتنسى ، نهفو إلى رؤياهم ويزدان الوجود بحبهم
كل عام وسحماتا وكل أهلها بخير |
Sunday 14th of December 2008 01:23:55 AM |
2221 |
zahir mohammad mourra |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
الأخ العزيز / وجيه سمعان المحترم
الإخوة الكرام القائمون على الموقع
الى جميع الأهل الكرام في سحماتا فلسطين لبنان سورية الإمارات وجميع دول المهجر
أحيكم من القلب وابارك لكم موسم الأعياد عبد الأضحى وأعياد الميلاد المجيد وأعياد رأس السنة أعادها الله علينا وعليكم بالبركات والمسرات وباذن الله
وموعدنا في سحماتا انشاء الله كل عام وانتم بخير |
Wednesday 10th of December 2008 07:40:17 AM |
2220 |
مالك أيوب |
سحماتا - سويسر |
أجمل التهاني واطيب البركات الى اهل سحماتا في داخل فلسطين المحتلة وفي الشتات والمهجر بمناسبة حلول عيد الاضحى المبارك راجين من الله تعالى ان يكون العيد القادم في رحبة سحماتا. لكل من يقرأ هذه السطور ان يرجع بمخيلته ستين عاماالى الوراء ثم يقفل عينيه ويتصور بذاكرته قرية سحماتا ورحبتها صباح عيد الاضحى وبعد انتهاء تكبيرات العيد في مسجد الحارة التحتا. اين نحن اليوم؟ كم هي المسافات بعيدة؟ وكم هي سحماتا قريبة. بغمضة عين نعود الى القرية ونجلس فيها ونرى سكانها وان يوم العودة انشاء الله لاقرب |
Saturday 06th of December 2008 05:20:33 AM |
2219 |
Asaba Owerri |
Lagos Nwanne |
i so much love this age. keep up the wonderful good work and i will keep on visiting |
Tuesday 02nd of December 2008 03:49:02 AM |
2217 |
ازدهار احمد قدوره |
الاردن -عمان |
السلام عليكم أل سحماتاجميعاً أهنئكم بعيد الأضحى المبارك اعاده الله علينا وعليكم وعلى جميع المسلمين بلسلام والأمان وأن شاءالله العيد القادم بكون على تراب سحماتا والله يجمعنا من كل بلاد الشتات والغربه مسلمين ونصارى موحدين حامدين الله على العوده الى اغلى واطهر تراب انا ابنتكم الباره بأهلها ووطنها وقريتها الغاليا وعائلتها الكريمه والدي احمد محمد قدوره وامي بثينه بدر قدوره اقيم بلاردن مع كل الحب |
Monday 24th of November 2008 02:12:08 PM |
2216 |
ابو علي الريناوي - الرينه فلسطين |
الرينه |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بدأت بقراءة دفتر الزوار واقسم بالله العظيم اني لم استطيع متابعة القراءة لاني اجهشت بالبكاء
ليس لي الا ان ادعو الله ان يعيدكم يا اخواني واخواتي اهالي وابناء سحماتا الى هذه البلده الجميله والتي لاتختلف انذاك عن باقي قرى وبلدات فلسطين الحبيبه
والف تحيه للقائمين على هذا الموقع ولعل غيرهم من الفلسطينيين الذين اخرجوا من ديارهم ان يقوموا بنفس المبادره |
Monday 24th of November 2008 01:02:18 PM |
2214 |
Mazen Ali Abdul Rahman Hussein Kadoura |
Sharjah - UAE |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يكفي فخر أن بلدة سحماتا وأبناءها عنوان للشهادة والعزة والكرامة.
مازن علي عبد الرحمن قدوره |
Thursday 20th of November 2008 05:01:31 PM |
2211 |
ازدهار احمد محمد توفيق قدورة |
Jordan |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الى جميع اخواني واخواتي على موقع سحماتا يسعد صباحكو ، كم اسعدني واثلج قلبي هذا الموقع بان ارى ترابط وتواصل مثل هذا في عائلات بلدنا المباركة والتي انشاء الله يجمعنا بها عن قريب تحياتي للجميع ببدء اعياد الميلاد المجيد لعوائلنا المسيحية الصديقة والى اخواننا المسلمين كل عام والجميع بالف خير ، واتمنا ان يتواصل ابناءنا مع هذا الموقع ليعرفوا ما كانت عليه ارضهم الزاخرة بالعطاء واجدادهم العظماء .
والسلام عليكم جميعا ورحمة الله وبركاته |
Sunday 16th of November 2008 03:38:01 AM |
2210 |
عبد السلام الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
إلى سحماتا الحبيبة .. وأهالي سحماتا الأحبة
ياغائباً عني وساكناً في أضلعي
هل تسمعون توجعي .. وتوجع الدنيا معي ؟ |
Sunday 16th of November 2008 01:33:06 AM |
2209 |
Dena Moussa |
Winnipeg, Manitoba |
I dont know were to start in describing how I feel about my hometown Suhmata. I thank the people who have worked hard on accomplishing this website that has brought all suhmanians and all palestinians together. My dream and every palestinians dream is to return to our homeland and inshallah this day will come. I am hopeful that one day I will be able to visit my beautiful village suhmata.
Thank you and god bless you all
Salam |
Tuesday 11th of November 2008 08:47:39 PM |
2207 |
Amal |
Haifa |
في الخامس والعشرين من شهر تشرين أوّل:
تكحّلت عيوني بخضار جنّةٍ على الأرضٍ،
سالت العَبَرات توقًا للفاء الأحبّة بين أحضانها
وقبّلت نِعالي ترابها
تراب ســـحماتـــا الغالي...
وما أغلى من دموع أهلك لتشهد على غلاوتك ســـحماتا؟ |
Tuesday 04th of November 2008 04:23:20 AM |
2206 |
عبد السلام عبد الرحيم الجشي |
سوريا - دمشق |
دَخيلِك ياخَواطِر أُحُضريني تاتِنكَشِِف سِر الكٌنوز الدَفينة
وتَأرسٌم صورة الأيام أحلام ع الوِجِه من زجلنا الفلسطيني
وتَأجمَع من كنوز الأرض أحلى وأغلى جواهرها
وتَأصنع تاج جاه عِز يعلى على جبهة كل سجين وكل سجينة
Saturday 25th of October 2008 07:14:09 AM |
2205 |
Ahmad Ali Kaddoura(abu Bilal) |
Danmark |
Ta7iyate al7ara lejamee3 ahale Suhmata fi beka3 alduniya.Wa lakom ta7iyat zawjate wa awlawde almoshtakon le ro2yat kafat ahale Suhmata fi FALASTIN AL7ABIBA.Salamat 7ara le Yousif Al-Joudi wa 3a2elato fi JDAIDE. |
Monday 20th of October 2008 03:41:19 PM |
2204 |
noris zeid |
winnipeg,mb,canada |
Hi how are you. I am here because of a good freind and brother , abed moussa,that is from your town.
Sunday 19th of October 2008 01:37:52 PM |
2202 |
Syria - Damascus |
ÚäÇíÉ ÇáÓíÏ/: æÌíå ÓãÚÇä ÇáãÍÊÑã ÇáÃÎæÉ ÇáÃßÇÑã ÇáÞÇÆãíä Úáì ÇáãæÞÚ ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÃÍÈÉ ßá ÚÇã æÃäÊã ÈÃáÝ ÎíÑ .. æÇáÚíÏ ÇáÞÇÏã Ýí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÈÅÐä Çááå |
Tuesday 30th of September 2008 06:52:35 AM |
2199 |
France |
Hello to all. Have a nice day and nice ramadan... |
Saturday 27th of September 2008 11:33:37 AM |
2198 |
ãÇáß ÃíæÈ |
ÒíæÑÎ- ÓæíÓÑÇ |
ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏ ÇáÝØÑ ÇáãÈÇÑß ÇÊÞÏã Çáì ßá Çåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÈãÓáãíåÇ æãÓÍííåÇ ÈÇÌãá ÇáÊåÇäí æÇØíÈ ÇáÇãäíÇÊ ÑÇÌíä ãä Çááå ÊÚÇáì Çä äÍÊÝá ÈÇáÚíÏ ÇáãÞÈá ÊÍÊ ÒíäæäåÇ æÑãÇäåÇ æßá ÚÇã æÇäÊã ÈÇáÝ ÎíÑ æÊÍíÉ ááãÔÑÝíä Úáì åÐå ÇáÕÝÍÉ Çááå íÚØíßã ÇáÚÇÝíÉ Úáì ãÌåæÏßã ÝÃäÊã ÔÚÇÚ ÇáäæÑ ÇáÐí íÖÆ áÇåá ÇáÈáÏ ãä ÎáÇá åÐå ÇáäÇÝÐÉ |
Saturday 27th of September 2008 05:09:15 AM |
2194 |
Hanna Eady |
Seattle, Washingtom. US |
The play:SAHMATAH: Memory of Stone, opens in Seattle on October 28th. Please join us at the thaeter to remember Sahmatah and all the Sahamneh.
NIT 206 744-6438 |
Thursday 18th of September 2008 04:47:07 PM |
2193 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
ÈÍáæá ÔåÑ ÑãÖÇä ÇáãÈÇÑß ÊÈÚË ÌãÚíøÉ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ Çáì ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÃÍÈøÉ Ýí ÇáæØä æÏäíÇ ÇáÔøÊÇÊ ÈÃÚØÑ ÇáÊÍíøÇÊ æÃÐßÇåÇ¡ Âãáíä Ãä íÚæÏ ÚáíäÇ åÐÇ ÇáÔøåÑ ÇáßÑíã æäÍä äÑÝá ÈÃËæÇÈ ÇáÚÒøÉ æÇáÝÑÍ Úáì ÃÑÖ ÞÑíÊäÇÇáÍÈíÈÉ ¡ æÑÇÌíä Ãä íßæä ÔÚÈäÇ ÇáÝáÓØíäí ÞÏ ÍÞøÞ ÃÛáì ÃãäíÇÊå Ýí ÇáÍÑíøÉ æÇáÇÓÊÞáÇá æÇáÚæÏÉ |
Thursday 28th of August 2008 07:59:06 AM |
2192 |
Rami Mohamed Hammoud |
Lebanon |
ÊÍíÇÊí ááÌãíÚ ãÚ ÇáÔßÑ áãäÊÌí åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ |
Friday 22nd of August 2008 02:53:05 PM |
2191 |
Mohamed Ali Hammoud |
Labanon |
Salamat For All And For Every One From Suhmata
Thanks For The Developers Of This Website
With My Respect.
Dr.Mohamed Ali Hammoud From Suhmata |
Friday 22nd of August 2008 02:47:49 PM |
2187 |
zahir mohammad mourra |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
ÑÈãÇ Çáíæã ÕÏÞÊ ÇáÚÈÇÑÉ ÇáÞÇÆáÉ ãä áã íÚÑÝ ÝáÓØíä ÌÛÑÇÝíÇ æãæÞÚÇÚÇáãíÇ ÝÞÏ ÃÍÓåÇ Ýí ÔÚÑãÍãæÏ ÏÑæíÔ æßáãÇÊ ÝÞíÏ ÇáÃãÉ ÇáßÈíÑ æÇáíæã ÚÇÏ ÇáÌÓÏ ÇáØÇåÑ áíÑÞÏ Ýí ÊÑÇÈ ÇáÃã ÇáÍäæä(ÝáÓØíä) ÇáÊí ØáãÇ ÊÛäí ÈåÇ Ýí ÔÚÑå , ÑÍã Çááå ÇáÝÞíÏÇáÚÒíÒ æÃÞÏã ÇáÊÚÇÒí áßá ÃÈäÇÁ ÇáÃãÉÇáÚÑÈíÉ æÝáÓØíä æÃåáäÇ ÇáßÑÇã Ýí Úãæã ÇáÌáíá ÇáÕÇãÏ æÃÎÕ ÈÇáÐßÑ ÒæÌÊí æÃåáåÇ ãä ÞÑíÉ ÇáÈÑæÉÃÈäÇÁ ÚãæãÉ ÇáÔÇÚÑ ãÍãæÏ ÏÑæíÔ Ýí ÝáØÓíä æáÈäÇä æÓæÑíÉ |
Wednesday 13th of August 2008 09:43:15 AM |
2186 |
Ayman Lutfi Khashan |
Abu Dhabi |
ÝÞáÊ ÇÓÊÛÝÑæÇ ÑÈßã Åäå ßÇä ÛÝÇÑÇ * íÑÓá ÇáÓãÇÁ Úáíßã ãÏÑÇÑÇ * æíãÏÏßã ÈÃãæÇá æÈäíä æíÌÚá áßã ÌäÇÊ æíÌÚá áßã ÃäåÇÑÇ
ÇáÝÇÊÍÉ áÇÑæÇÍ ÔåÏÇÁ æ ÇãæÇÊ ÓÍãÇÊÇ æ ÝáÓØíä ÌÏí ÇÍãÏÓÚíÏ ãæÓì ( ÇÈæ ÇáÚÈÏ) æ ÌÏí ÇÍãÏ Óáíã ÎÔÇä ( ÇÈæ áØÝí ) |
Tuesday 12th of August 2008 01:43:25 AM |
2184 |
Saleem Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
في الذكرى 32 لسقوط مخيم تل الزعتر نقف إجلالاً للشهداء الذين سقطوا أثناء الدفاع عن المخيم
وتضامناً وتذكراً للمخطوفين في ذلك اليوم والذين منهم عدد كبير من أهل بلدة سحماتا ــــــــــ 12 /8/1976 تاريخ لن ينسـاه أهل مخيم تل الزعتر |
Monday 11th of August 2008 09:23:40 AM |
2164 |
I hope that one day all palestinians leaving abroad will have the chance to visit at least
Susann Kaddoura |
Monday 28th of July 2008 04:45:10 AM |
2162 |
Akram Kaddoura |
UAE-Abo Dhabi |
íãßä ÇáßËíÑ ãäßã ÈÚÑÝ Åäæ Úãí ãÍãÏ ÝÇÑÓ ÞÏæÑÉ Úãá ÚãáíÉ æåáà åæí ÈÇáãÓÊÔÝì ÚÔÇä åíß ÈäØáÈ ãäßã ÇáÏÚÇÁ Åáæ¡ Åäæ Çááå íÔÝíå æíÚÇÝíå æíÑÌÚå áÃæáÇÏå ÓÇáã ÈÅÐä Çááå ÊÚÇáì æÃäÇ ÃãÇã Çáßá ÈÊãäì áß ÇáÔÝÇÁ ÇáÚÇÌá íÇ ÃÈæ ÝÇÏí áÅäß ÅäÊ ÛÇáí Úáì ÞáæÈäÇ æÚáì ÞáæÈ ÇáÚÇáã ßáåÇ æÅä ÔÇÁ Çááå ãÇ ÈÊÔæÝ ÔÑ íÇ ÇáÛÇáí æíÎáíáß ÃæáÇÏß æÊÝÑÍ ÈÝÇÏí æãÇåÑ ÈÃÞÑÈ æÞÊ |
Thursday 24th of July 2008 04:20:05 PM |
2161 |
ãÌÏ ÚÈÏ ÇáÓáÇã ÇáÌÔí |
ÓæÑíÇ - ÏãÔÞ |
íØæá ÇáæÞÊ Ãæ íÞÕÑ ÑÇÍ äÑÌÚ íÇ ÃÛáì ÃÍÈÇÈí |
Monday 21st of July 2008 04:28:51 AM |
2160 |
ÓæÑíÇ - ÏãÔÞ |
áßã ãäí ßá ÇáÍÈ æÇáÊÞÏíÑ íÇÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇÇáÍÈíÈÉ
ÃíåÇ ÇáÃÓæÏ ÇáÕÇãÏæä Ýí ÇáÏÇÎá æÝí ÇáÔÊÇÊ |
Monday 21st of July 2008 04:24:51 AM |
2157 |
Nasser Abdel Wahab |
Australia |
hello everyone
this is wondeful website great job , so proud of you all , as i'm suhmatian , hard so much about suhmata from my grandfather and grandmother , but never had so much emtion seeing these pictures .
i would like to thank you so much for this grea wondefull work , hope that one day we all going back to suhmata and rebuilding it all over again thank you
nasser |
Wednesday 16th of July 2008 10:10:53 PM |
2145 |
Mossa Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
اعطر التحيات ابعثها لكل أهالي سحماتا .. حب سحماتا باق في قلوبنا من جيل الى جيل ..واليها يوما سنعود |
Saturday 05th of July 2008 11:47:00 AM |
2090 |
ãÍãÏ ÞÏæÑÉ |
ÇæÏ Ãä ÇÊæÌå ÈÇáÔßÑ ÇáÌÒíá ãä ÎáÇá ãæÞÚßã Åáì ÃÈäÇÁ
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Friday 06th of June 2008 04:36:28 AM |
2051 |
fayez ahmad al jshi |
uae |
ÍÑãäí ÒãÇäí ÏÝìÁ ÔãÓåÇ æÙá ÝíåÇ
ßÇäÊ ÚÇãÑÉ ÈÃåáåÇ æÇáßá ÝíåÇ
áßä Õåíæä ÏãÑåÇ æÎáÇåÇ ÎÑÇÈ
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ãÇÊ ÇáÌÏ æÇáÇÈ æÇáÚã æÇáÎÇá
Saturday 24th of May 2008 09:19:15 AM |
2025 |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
ÇáÃÎ ÇáÚÒíÒ æÌíå ÓãÚÇä ÇáãÍÊÑã
æÌãíÚ ÇáÚÇãáíä Úáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ
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ÃÎæßã ÒÇåÑ ãÑÉ (ÃÈæãÍãÏ) ÃÈæÙÈí |
Saturday 17th of May 2008 04:04:33 AM |
2020 |
Ahmad J. Kaddoura |
North of Palestine |
I hope it would not take another 60 years for our grandsons to come back to Palestine.
From Lebanon, I salute all the Palestinian people in Palestine and around the world on the SAD day, and hopefully, one day the dream will come true, THE RETURN TO PALESTINE.
Thursday 15th of May 2008 01:47:24 PM |
1997 |
Ziad Ali Kaddoura |
UAE - Shj |
Salam to all..
We really appreciate the effort of all the members who participated in suhmata.com
I loved the songs and poems, almost made my tears run down.. is there a way where we can download these songs?
Kindly advise.
Regards, |
Monday 05th of May 2008 09:50:34 PM |
1996 |
Rami Osman |
I am from Suhmata.I heard about it. I wish to visit it. I would like to thank everyone helped making this nice website. |
Monday 05th of May 2008 12:15:44 PM |
1962 |
zahra shibli |
shibli village |
ãÓÇÁ ÇáÎíÑ ááÌãíÚ
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ÇÊãäì ãäßã ÒíÇÑÉ ãæÞÚäÇ
www.sweetgirl2005.jeeran.com |
Wednesday 23rd of April 2008 12:47:15 PM |
1943 |
mohammed saied |
nahif village- upper galile |
Çáì ÇáÇÎ ÇáÚÒíÒ ÇáÓíÏ æÌíå ÓãÚÇä ÇáãÍÊÑã:
åÐå åí ÒíÇÑÊí ÇáÇæáì ááãæÞÚ
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ãÍãÏ ÓÚíÏ |
Wednesday 16th of April 2008 04:53:43 PM |
1935 |
SUHMATA 5wali |
beer nabala , jerusalem |
ÊÍíÇÊí ááÌãíÚ ÇäÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÈáÏ ÎæÇáí æÈÊãäì ÍÏÇ ÈÚÑÝ Ôí Úäåã áÃäåã ãæÌæÏíä ÍÇáíÇ ÈáÈäÇä æåä ãä ÏÇÑ ãæÓì æÇÊåÌÑæ Òí ßá ÇáÝáÓØíäíÉ ÈåÇáÚÇáã ... æÔÇßÑ ÌåæÏ ÌãÚíÉ ÇÈäÇÁ ÌãÚíÉ ÇÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ Úáì åÐÇ ÇáãÌåæÏ ÇáäÖÇáí
ÊÍíÇÊí |
Saturday 12th of April 2008 04:14:04 AM |
1932 |
annie |
Brussels |
Your web site moves me to tears.
Palestinians will survive no matter who occupies their land. |
Friday 11th of April 2008 03:26:18 PM |
1893 |
Fawzi Kaddoura |
San Bruno California |
To all ahali Sohmata especially in Palestine,
I want to tell how proud and gratefullfor you all ,for your kind and generous hospitality that you have shown during my visit to sohmata in january this year, especially my special thanks to our Sohmata embassador (Um Afif).
Seeing is beleiving.I've heard about sohmata all my life ,but nothing like what I felt and what I saw when I walked over that barbed wire to cross over and walk on the land where my ancestors walked hundeds of years ago,the air , the view , the stones the color of land it was not like any other thing that I have seen before,to touch the stones,to see the great fig trees ,the olive trees,all wants to stop you and tell you stories from past to the present,they don;t want yo;u to leave,I really have a long story to tell, but I want to stop now because I want to thank MY good family and friends that from the moment I met I felt like I known them for a long long time, to start with Kamel and Adel Kaddoura who took the day o;ff to take me to sohmata. Also the Brother hashim and Hazim,not to forget their hospitable mother UM KAMEL,also my appreciation and thanks to Mr.Wajeeh Somaan,Emil, Michael, sister NAjah and NAdia,MR. Ramzi Ibrahim and my sister HAnan,
I do urge every and any one who can to visit the land there,and to support Ahali Sohmats there,.
very soon I'll have the story and pictures published on this website.Until we meet again, long live Sohmata, long live Palestine, long live Ahali sohmata. |
Wednesday 02nd of April 2008 10:16:40 PM |
1888 |
Yael Korin |
Culver City, Los Angeles |
I am an Israeli-born woman. I live in the Los Angeles area and a co-founder of the group Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid, Southern California (CEIA-SC). Our website is: www.ceia-sc.org
We are with you in your struggle for the return. Please let us know what we can do here to help. I have a request to you. I would like to have a copy of the refugees testimonial video. We would like to show it to people here during our events.
Best regards,
Yael Korin |
Monday 31st of March 2008 10:07:31 AM |
1884 |
khaled moh kaddoura |
uae |
hi all of sohmata family nshalla all good and happy,my best regards.
khaled kaddoura |
Sunday 30th of March 2008 04:24:05 PM |
1881 |
Bruce Inksetter |
Rapide-Danseur (Québec) |
Best wishes to the people of Suhmata and all Palestinians everywhere. May they succeed in returning home soon. Vive la Palestine! |
Sunday 30th of March 2008 06:57:53 AM |
1876 |
Huda |
usa |
Good bless you everybody, my husbund is from suhmata and I'm very proud of him |
Friday 28th of March 2008 04:04:33 PM |
1875 |
Bilal Husssein |
New Mexico, USA |
Hello Everybody,
I just want to say hello for all of the sahamti around the world, also I want to thank everybody who participate in designing this wonderfull site epecially Mr. Simaan. |
Friday 28th of March 2008 04:01:51 PM |
1872 |
Mahmoud H kaddoura |
Denmark |
ta7iyate wa ta7iyat 3a2elate ela jamee3 abna2 Suhmata al7abiba. |
Thursday 27th of March 2008 06:43:48 PM |
1864 |
Hani Mehanna Mousa |
Abu Dhabi - UAE |
ÓáÇã íÇ Çåá ÇáÌæÏ æ ÇáßÑã ÓáÇãí áÃåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ æ ÇÑÖí ÓÍãÇÊÇ
ßáí ÇÔÊíÇÞ æ áæÚÉ áÇÑÖí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇÑÖ ÇáÌæÏ æ ÇáßÑã
ÓáÇãí áÇÑÖ ÇáÒíÊæä ãäÈÚ ÇáÇÈØÇá.
ÃÎæß: åÇäí ãæÓì |
Tuesday 25th of March 2008 06:44:56 AM |
1858 |
Ãåáí æ ÃÈäÇÁ ÈáÏÊí ÇáÍÈíÈÉ ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æ ÑÍãÉÇááå ÇÍÈ Çä ÇÔßÑ ÌãíÚ ÇáÞíãíä Úáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ ÇáÐí íÔÚÑß Çäß ÑÃíÊ ÝáÓØíä æ ÑÃíÊ ÓÍãÇÊÇ æ ÃÓáã Úáì ÌãíÚ ÇåÇáí ÇáÈáÏÉ ÚÇãÉ æ ÃÞÇÑÈí ÎÇÕÉð ÎÇáÏ ãÍãÏ ÍÓä ÞÏæÑÉ |
Sunday 23rd of March 2008 04:21:03 PM |
1849 |
Naim Mohammad Kaddoura |
Lebanon/Dubai /UAE |
Dear Sohmata Family
I would like to thank Every one assist to have this great website, to be on touch around the world, Suhmata may be most of us dont kwow it well or just we hear about it from our parent or grands , Im Mohammad Kaddoura Son ,, Baddawi Camp Norht Lebanon,, Salam to Palestine and we will back
Wednesday 19th of March 2008 08:11:17 AM |
1848 |
Tuesday 18th of March 2008 09:13:15 PM |
1832 |
ÇÈä ãÎíã ÇáÝæÇÑ |
al fawwar camp |
ÇäÇ ãä ÓßÇä ãÎíã ÇáÝæÇÑ ÌäæÈ ãÏíäÉ ÇáÎáíá
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ÈÊãäì Çßæä ÕÏíÞ Çáßã æááãæÞÚ
lan.way@hotmail.com |
Thursday 13th of March 2008 06:50:42 AM |
1829 |
Ayman Anis Kaddoura |
U.A.E |
Dear all,
I would like to extend my deep appreciation for the people who stand behind the efforts of building this fruitful site, just recently I came to know about it and I believe that this site could be more powerful through knowing our past, roots and educating our future generations.
Education and health care are the main resources that the progressed nations depend on to achieve their long term objectives. Based on this, I'm here by to suggest starting up a donation box that offers scholar ships to the students of outstanding grades whose financial status doesn't allow them to continue their study and to people who face serious health problems.
Waiting for your feedback,
Wednesday 12th of March 2008 05:52:50 PM |
1764 |
ãÌÏ ÚÈÏ ÇáÓáÇã ÇáÌÔí |
ÓæÑíÇ - ÏãÔÞ |
áíÊ ÇáãÔÇÚÑ ÊäÊÞá ááÞáæÈ ÈÓßÇÊ áíÊ ÇáÑÓÇíá æÕÝåÇ áÔæÞí ßÇÝí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÅäÊ ÍÈß ÈáÞáÈ ãÇãÇÊ ÅäÊ ÇáÑÈíÚ íáí åæÇå ÏÇÝí Åáß ÇáãÔÇÚÑ ÊßÊÈ æÕÝåÇ ÃÈíÇÊ æÅáß ÇáÔæÞ ÈíÑÓã ÇáÍÈ ÇáÏÇÝí |
Tuesday 19th of February 2008 05:15:30 AM |
1722 |
Hala Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
I was Inspired by a book called(The Alchemist)
for Paulo Coelho...So I bought 2 more books for him and got another one from my friend
While I was reading the third book
I paused at this sentence
"On the other side of the dead sea,we could see Isreal and the glow of Jerusalem's lights on the horizon"
Well I just want to tell Paulo
that that land is our land
and that Jerusalem is our Jerusalem
and I promised myself not to buy another book for him |
Sunday 03rd of February 2008 02:32:59 AM |
1719 |
ÓæÑíÇ - ÏãÔÞ |
ÔÈåÊß ÈÇáÞãÑ áÞíÊß ÃÍáì
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æßá Çáßæä ãÇÈíÓæì ãä Ïæäß |
Saturday 02nd of February 2008 08:58:01 AM |
1717 |
Faouzie Mustafa Hussein Mohamad |
Germany |
Assalamu 3alaikum
Ahde ta7eyate wa salame ela ahle fe Falastin (So7maata) we jamee3 an7aa2 el 3aalam.
Ana bent Mustafa Hussein Mohamad, Bent eben el Hajj Abu Mustafa |
Saturday 02nd of February 2008 06:30:41 AM |
1716 |
Mohamad Nayef Saed Daher |
Germany |
Assalamu 3aleikum
Ta7eyati ela ahel so7maata fe bekaa3 el ard wa ela ahlel *dayr al kasi* fi jamee3 an7aa2 el 3aalam.
( omi men So7maata )Mo5ayam Al Rashediye |
Saturday 02nd of February 2008 05:40:47 AM |
1710 |
Majed Ali Kaddoura |
Dubai, U.A.E |
Hello everybody, This is such a great website, I feel so glad to see pictures of our beloved suhmata and to know stories and things i never knew before, Hope we all meet at Suhmata one day, till then, keep up the faith and never give up.
God bless you all |
Thursday 31st of January 2008 07:11:29 AM |
1702 |
Asaba Owerri |
Lagos Nwanne |
I love this page. it looks really nice and good. keep up the wonderful good work. |
Wednesday 30th of January 2008 02:19:11 AM |
1698 |
ãÇáß ÃíæÈ |
Zuerich Suisse |
ÊÍíÉ ÃÚØÑ ãä ÇáÍÈÞ æ ÃÒßì ãä ÚÈíÑ ÇáíÇÓãíä Çáì ßá ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáÇÑÖ ÇáãÞÏÓÉ ÝáÓØíä æ ÇáãåÌÑ æ ÇáÔÊÇÊ
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Monday 28th of January 2008 12:43:23 PM |
1683 |
rezik kaisar simaan |
pokaiah |
ÊÍíÇÊ ÃÚØÑ æÃÚÈÞ ãä ÇáæÑÏ ÇÈÚËåÇ Çáíßã ÝÑÏÇ ÝÑÏÇ, ÂãáÇ Çä ÊÌãÚäÇ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ Èíä ÌäÇÍíåÇ Ýí ÞÇÏã ÇáÃíÇã,æäÚíÔ ÝíåÇ ÈÚÒÉ æÝÑÍ, æÑÇÌíÇ Çä íÚæÏ ÇÎæÊäÇ ÇáÝáÓØíäíæä Çáì ÈíæÊåã æÏíÇÑåã .
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Thursday 24th of January 2008 05:44:54 AM |
1675 |
mohamad said kaddoura |
sharjah.United arab emirates |
Dear All,
My sincere regards and good wishes for everybody from SUHMATA ALGHALIA for our hearts all .Hopefuly one day should come that we all meet if not us our children on the the LAND of our beloved village.I would like to contribute with some Ataba and send it as clip through this site just i want to know how .Many thanks for those who started this idead and create this site.
M.Kaddoura |
Sunday 20th of January 2008 12:14:15 PM |
1654 |
Cafe' Suhmata |
Toronto |
Salam for all ,, guys ,, I just started a group on face book ,, (Cafe' Suhmata) ,, please ,, join it ,, so we create our net-work,,
thank you (salaf) |
Sunday 13th of January 2008 11:46:56 PM |
1650 |
wael kaddoura |
tunisia |
im pleased to find much mumber of my father's famileis hier
hope u will find also
Sunday 13th of January 2008 06:11:07 AM |
1602 |
Ghassan Hassoun |
Denmark |
ÃåáÇ Èßã æßá ÚÇã æÇäÊã ÈÎíÑ
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äÊãäì Çä íßæä ÚÇã 2008 ÎíÑ ÚáíäÇ ãä ÇáÚÇã ÇáãÇÖí 2007
äáÞÇßã ÈÎíÑ |
Tuesday 01st of January 2008 09:11:54 AM |
1600 |
ÓæÑíÇ - ÏãÔÞ |
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Tuesday 01st of January 2008 07:03:24 AM |
1596 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
ßá ÚÇã æÇäÊã ÈÃáÝ ÎíÑ
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Monday 31st of December 2007 04:22:37 PM |
1591 |
walid jabr kaddoura |
beirut - lebanon |
Happy new year.
Hope we can connect in the best way we can. |
Sunday 30th of December 2007 01:14:12 PM |
1582 |
ãÌÏ ÚÈÏ ÇáÓáÇã ÇáÌÔí |
ÓæÑíÇ- ÏãÔÞ |
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Saturday 29th of December 2007 05:55:50 AM |
1580 |
Ghassan Mohammed Hassoun |
Denmark |
ÃáÓáÇã Úáíßã
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Friday 28th of December 2007 03:59:40 PM |
1577 |
Huda Moh'd Hamadi |
UAE - Abu Dhabi |
I'm proud to be Palestinian, and more Proud to be from So7mata .. As we all believe in God, i believe that we'll be to home,back to Palestine .. So7mata.
Allah Kareem |
Friday 28th of December 2007 05:55:44 AM |
1574 |
ÓæÑíÇ-ÏãÔÞ |
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Thursday 27th of December 2007 08:44:34 AM |
1566 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
I take this opportunity to express my warm greetings to all Suhmatians (Muslems & Christians) in the occaisions of Eid Al-Adha and Christmass. Also, I wish Happy New Year for all of you and pray to God to bless our sweet homeland (Lovely Suhmata). |
Wednesday 26th of December 2007 03:26:05 AM |
1559 |
Aiman Kaddoura |
Finland |
We want to wish merry christmas for all christian brothers and sisters from Suhmata, and of course happy new year to all suhmatians! Wish that we all meet in Suhmata soon, inshallah. And thanks for publishing this website. |
Monday 24th of December 2007 12:02:54 PM |
1541 |
Ahmad Abed Moussa |
Canada |
I would like to congratulate the creators of this website for the revolutionary achievement of uniting all sahamanis scattered across the world.
This is the way to resist the 'divide and conquer' mechanisms that have been implemented on our people. Suhmata and Palestine will live for ever. Thank You all for this powerful work.
Friday 21st of December 2007 09:58:52 PM |
1537 |
wael yamany |
germany |
anthez forset 7loul 3ead alfoter almbark w gdoum 3ead al fos7 al mejead w ra2s alsena aljdeda l2tgadem ela jmea3 ahaly sohmata bejmal altahani w atyab altmnyat . w b2mel lega2ona al greab 3ala ardona al7beaba falstin w karyotna algalya sohmata |
Thursday 20th of December 2007 03:40:33 PM |
1518 |
ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏ ÇáÃÖÍì ÇáãÈÇÑß ÃÞæá ßá ÚÇã æÃäÊã ÈÎíÑ Åáì ÚÇÆáÉ ÇáÕÇáÍ Ýí áÈäÇä æÃÓÊÑÇáíÇ æßäÏÇ æÚÇÆáÇÊ ÇáÍÌøóÇÑ æÍÓøõæä æÒíÏÇä æÈáÔÉ |
Friday 14th of December 2007 04:54:14 PM |
1516 |
ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏí ÇáÃÖÍì ÇáãÈÇÑß æÇáãíáÇÏ ÇáãÌíÏ ÃÊÞÏã ãä ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ Ýí ÇáæØä æÇáÔÊÇÊ ÈÃÍÑ ÇáÊåÇäí æÃÌãá ÇáÊÈÑíßÇÊ ÑÇÌíÇð Çááå Ãä íÌãÚäÇ Ýí ÇáÚíÏ ÇáÞÇÏã Ýí ÈáÏÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ æßá ÚÇã æÃäÊã ÈÎíÑ. |
Friday 14th of December 2007 04:31:10 PM |
1515 |
ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏí ÇáÃÖÍì ÇáãÈÇÑß æÇáãíáÇÏ ÇáãÌíÏ ÃÊÞÏã ãä ÌãíÚ ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáæØä æÇáÔÊÇÊ ÈÃÍÑ ÇáÊåÇäí æÃÌãá ÇáÊÈÑíßÇÊ ÑÇÌíÇ ð Çááå Ãä íÌãÚäÇ Ýí ÇáÚíÏ ÇáÞÇÏã
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Friday 14th of December 2007 04:24:27 PM |
1501 |
Siham Kurdi |
Jordan |
I so much liked those words, Suhmani. however i dont know much about palestine, almost nth. but im touched by your words.
Please Kaddoura family, keep me posted with the latest updates about kaddoura family, as im here on behalf of my mom, ezdehar ahmad kaddoura.. you'll find my mail next to this box..
All peace, All Love=siham |
Monday 10th of December 2007 05:29:09 AM |
1497 |
Abu Heithem |
Haifa |
ÊÍíÉ Çáì ßá ãä íÔÇåÏ åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ Ãæ íÊÕá Èå ãä ÇåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÃÍÈÉ æÇäÕÇÑ ÞÖíÊäÇ ÇáÚÇÏáÉ , æÃáÝ ÃáÝ ÊÍíÉ Çáì ßá ãä íÒæÏå ÈÇáßáãÉ ÇáãáÊÒãÉ , ÇáÕÇÏÞÉ æÇáÍÑÉ ÇáÊí ÊÒíÏäÇ ÇÔÊÚÇáÇ ÈÍÈ ÇáæØä |
Sunday 09th of December 2007 10:02:53 AM |
1457 |
Suhmani |
Lebanon |
ÐåÈæÇ Ýí ßá ÇáÃäÍÇÁ
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Sunday 02nd of December 2007 02:58:39 PM |
1438 |
wael yamani |
germany |
asalam 3alykom jmea3n shokrena alkbear lelgaymean 3ala haza almawke3 aljmeal alzy neltemes feah 7ob w tkatof ahel karytona suhmata w 7aneanhom lel3awda ela ardoha w ma haza ela delealan 3ala tesmeamona lel 3awda ela ardona almoghtesba falstin al7abebah.
salmi ela jmea3 ahly w ahel karyati al7beba suhmata |
Wednesday 28th of November 2007 04:41:59 PM |
1435 |
Hala Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Passport by Mahmoud Darwish
They did not recognize me in the shadows
That suck away my color in this Passport
And to them my wound was an exhibit
For a tourist Who loves to collect photographs
They did not recognize me,
Ah . . . Don’t leave
The palm of my hand without the sun
Because the trees recognize me
Don’t leave me pale like the moon!
All the birds that followed my palm
To the door of the distant airport
All the wheatfields
All the prisons
All the white tombstones
All the barbed Boundaries
All the waving handkerchiefs
All the eyes
were with me,
But they dropped them from my passport
Stripped of my name and identity?
On soil I nourished with my own hands?
Today Job cried out
Filling the sky:
Don’t make and example of me again!
Oh, gentlemen, Prophets,
Don’t ask the trees for their names
Don’t ask the valleys who their mother is
>From my forehead bursts the sward of light
And from my hand springs the water of the river
All the hearts of the people are my identity
So take away my passport!
Tuesday 27th of November 2007 02:28:08 PM |
1427 |
Suhmani |
Lebanon |
äÍä åÌÑäÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÚÇã 48 Åáì áÈäÇä¡ æ ÅÎæÉ áäÇ Åáì ÓæÑíÇ¡ æ Ùá Ãåá áäÇ Ýí ÝáÓØíä. æãä ÌÇÁ ÍÙå Ýí áÈäÇä ÍÑã ãä ÇáãÔÇÑßÉ Ýí Ãí äÔÇØ ãÏäí ãËá ÇáÅäÊÎÇÈÇÊ æÅäÔÇÁ ÇáÌãÚíÇÊ æÇáãÄÓÓÇÊ¡ æáã íÚÏ åäÇß ãÎÊÇÑ æáÇ äÇÆÈ íÑÚì ÔÄæä ÇáäÇÓ. æÇäÚßÓ Ðáß Úáì ÍíÇÊäÇ ÇáÎÇÕÉ¡ ÝÃÕÈÍ ßá ÔÎÕ íÏíÑ ÍíÇÊå ÈäÝÓå æÇäÚÏã ÇáÔÚæÑ ÈÇáÌãÇÚÉ Çááåã ÚäÏ ÇáÃÚÑÇÓ æÏÝä ÇáãæÊì¡ æÌÇÁÊ ÌãÚíÉ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ßÞØÑÉ ãÇÁ Ýí ÍÑ ÇáÕÍÑÇÁ.
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ÓÍãÇäí Úä ÕÍíÍ |
Sunday 25th of November 2007 12:02:39 PM |
1412 |
H. Semaan |
Haifa |
اعطر واعبق تحياتي الى جميع اهالي سحماتا .ان سحماتا باقية فينا .ولا بد يوما اليها ان نعود |
Friday 23rd of November 2007 05:16:32 AM |
1396 |
zeeeeenaaaaaa |
uae |
helloo ol suhmata 3ylat .. hope 2ino kilkoun fyn an inchalla alla yijm3naa kilna B suhmita |
Sunday 18th of November 2007 09:20:55 AM |
1391 |
Nesreen Kaddoura |
Suhmata, part of the heaven for its believers |
Saturday 17th of November 2007 01:14:25 PM |
1364 |
Ghassan Mahmoud Toufic Kaddoura |
Australia |
My best wishes & regards to all suhmata families |
Wednesday 14th of November 2007 07:43:34 AM |
1350 |
Hadi saleh kaddoura |
USA-san Francisco |
Salamaat.. this is a response to an email sent by Khazneh Sema'an sent way back in Feb..
salamik wasal.. we are all doing well in America, saleh kaddoura and Najia and the whole family all doing well....please give our warm greetings to everyone in Falestine.. I was there last July but could not make it to Suhmata.. Insha Allah I will go back again as soon as I get a chance.
Monday 12th of November 2007 11:20:22 PM |
1314 |
Suhmani |
Lebanon |
ÅÎæÊí ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáßÑÇã....ÍíÇßã Çááå
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ßá ÓÍãÇäí íÍÈ ÓÍãÇÊÇ æÃåáåÇ åæ ÓÍãÇäí Úä ÕÍíÍ...
Thursday 08th of November 2007 01:13:37 PM |
1312 |
rola fahed najib al asaad |
denmark |
salam 3alaykom jami3an
3ommo abo ayman men finland thank 3al e-mail. bas ana ma 2dert ersel e mail ellak la enno kan el internet m3attal 3ende. 3ammo abo ayman baba mni7 w huwe bayn el denmark w lobnan, w eben 3ammo elle sa2altne 3ale huwe mawjoud ba3do be b3alback. |
Thursday 08th of November 2007 10:19:22 AM |
1310 |
Hisham M. Kaddoura |
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã ÃíåÇ ÇáÃÍÈÉ¡ ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÇáÃÑÖ ÇáÊí ÇäÈÚËÊ ãäåÇ ÇáãÍÈÉ. ÇáÓáÇã Úáíß ÃíåÇ ÇáÓÍãÇäí ÇáÕÇãÏ ÇáãÊãÓß ÈÅÑËß ÃíäãÇ ßäÊ. ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ßá ãä ßá ãä ÏÎá Åáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ ÝÔÏå ÇáÍäíä Åáì Ãä íßÊÈ Ãæ íÞÑÇ Ãæ ÓÇáÊ ãäå ÏãÚÉ ÇáÔæÞ æÇáÚÔÞ Çáì ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ãæ ßÑÑ ÇáÏÎæá Åáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ ãÑÉ Êáæ ãÑÉ. |
Wednesday 07th of November 2007 02:12:06 PM |
1304 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
ÇáÇÎ ÇáÚÒíÒ ÓÍãÇäí Úä ÕÍíÍ¡ ÊÍíÉ ÚØÑÉ ÇÈÚËåÇ áß ÚÈÑ åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ æäÔßÑß ÌÒíá ÇáÔßÑ Úáì ÇáãÚáæãÇÊ ÇáÊí ÊÞÏãåÇ áäÇ ßãÇ æÇÎÕ ÈÇáÔßÑ ßÐáß ÇáÇÎæÉ ÇáÇÚÒÇÁ æÌíå ÓãÚÇä æÍÓíÈ ÞÏæÑÉ (ÃÈæ Ãíãä) æÇáì ÌãíÚ ÇáÞÇÆãíä Úáì åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ æäÔÏ Úáì ÇíÇÏíãßã æäÞæá áßã Èßá ÝÎÑ æÇÚÊÒÊÒ Çáì ÇáÇãÇã æÝÞßã Çááå áãÇ Ýíå ÇáÎíÑ áÍãíÚ ÇåÇáí ÇáÈáÏ . æÏãÊã ÃÎæáßã ÃÈæ ÝÇÏí |
Tuesday 06th of November 2007 11:46:33 AM |
1303 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
ÊÍíÇÊí æÇÍÊÑãÇÊí áßá ÇåÇáí ÇáÈáÏ Ýí ÇáÏÇÎá æÇáãåÌÑ æÈÇáÇÎÕ Çáì ÇÎÊí ÇáÍÈíÈÉ Óáæì ÇáãÞíãÉ Ýí ÇáãÇäíÇ æáÒæÌåÇ æÇÈäÊåã Çááå íÎáíåÇ áåã æíÚØíåÇ Øæá ÇáÚãÑ ÈÙá æÇáÏíåÇ. áÞÏ ÞÑÃÊ ÑÓÇáÊß ÇáÎÝíÝÉ ÇáÙÑíÝÉ. Çááå íÏíã ÇáÊæÇÕá æÇáãÍÈÉ Èíä ßá ÇåÇáí ÇáÈáÏ æÇä íÚíÏ áäÇ ÇãäÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ. æÇáÓáÇã |
Tuesday 06th of November 2007 11:32:17 AM |
1300 |
salwa fares kaddoura |
Germany |
ana salwa fares kaddoura men almanya awel mara b3ref eno fee moke3 la ahel balade eben a5oy 5brne 3ano we konet mbsouta kteer 5asa ene la2et ahlee fe hayda elmoke3 5asa a5oy el9ale abo fadi we abno we eben a5oy ahmad kaman we mbsouta aktar beahel balade. sallame ela el2a5 abu fadi we 3a2elto ba7bko kteer ana ensha2allah yjm3na feko 3an areb ya rab we sallam 5ass la eben a5oy akram ele 5alane a3ref hayda elmoke2 we at3raf feko a7la 3alam ahhel so7matta . |
Monday 05th of November 2007 05:09:20 PM |
1286 |
Suhmani 3an sa7ee7 |
Lebanon |
ÌãíÚ ãä ÏÎá Úáì åÐå ÇáäÇÝÐÉ íÊÛÒáæä ÈÓÍãÇÊÇ¡ ÈÇáÚÑÈí æ ÈÇáÅäÌáíÒí¡ æãÇÔÇÁÇááå Çáßá íÚÑÝ ÅäÌáíÒí. íÊÛÒáæä ÈÒíÊæä ÓÍãÇÊÇ æÊÑÇÈåÇ æÈÑßÊåÇ æÇáÑÍÈÉ æÇáÈíÇÏÑ.
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Saturday 03rd of November 2007 05:23:26 PM |
1280 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
Ýí ÇáËÇãä æÇáÚÔÑíä ãä ÔåÑ ÊÔÑíä ÇáÃæá åÐå ÇáÓäÉ ÍáøÊ ÇáÐßÑì Çá 59 áäßÈÉ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ ,æáÞÏ ÃÍíÊ ÌãÚíÉ ÇÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ åÐå ÇáãäÇÓÈÉ Èíä ÇÍÖÇäåÇ æÚáì ÑÈÇåÇ ãÚÊÈÑÉ ÇäåÇ äÞØÉ ÇäØáÇÞ ááäÔÇØÇÊ æÇáÝÚÇáíÇÊ ÇáÊí ÓÊÞæã ÈåÇ ãÚ ÇáÃåÇáí æÇáãäÇÕÑíä Úáì ãÏÇÑ ÇáÚÇã ÇáÓÊíä áÐßÑì äßÈÉ ÝáÓØíä æÐßÑì äßÈÉ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÊí åí ÌÒÁ ãäåÇ
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Saturday 03rd of November 2007 05:13:10 AM |
1278 |
Fathi Furani |
كل الاحترام لأبناء سحماتا المتمسكين بالذاكرة. |
Saturday 03rd of November 2007 04:29:37 AM |
1277 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
السلام عليكم
انتهز مناسبة ذكرى وعد بلفور المشؤوم لاشد على ايادي كل الفلسطينيين عامة واهالي سحماتا خاصة واطلب منهم ان يبقى التواصل والمحبة بيننا ونتكاتف جميعا ونكون يدا واحدة ونتضرع الى الله العلي القدير ان يعيد الينا بلادنا ويحررها من العدو الغاصب، لكي تنعم الاجيال القادمة بربوعنا الخضراء. فيجب علينا ان لا ننسى هذا الوعد المشؤوم ونذكره لاولادنا دائما
مع تحيات اخوكم محمد
Friday 02nd of November 2007 11:46:47 PM |
1270 |
Suhmani |
Lebanon |
ÃÊÞÏã ãäßã ÈÎÇáÕ ÇáÊÍíÉ æÃÓÃá Çááå Ãä ÊÜÙáæÇ ÓÇáãíä æ ÃÊÞÏã ÈÇáÚÒÇÁ Åáì ÃåÇáí ÈáÏÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ ÈæÝÇÉ ÃÑÈÚÉ ãä ÃåáäÇ Ýí ÔåÑ æÇÍÏ¡ æåã Ãã ÓÚíÏ Úáí ÓáíãÇä¡ ÃÈæ ãÍãÏ Úáí ÍÓíä ÞÏæÑÉ¡ ÃáÎÇáÉ ÑÊíÈÉ ÞíÕÑ¡ æ ÚÈÏ ÇáÑÍíã ÎÇáÏ ÚÈÏ Çááå ÊÛãÏåã Çááå ÈæÇÓÚ ÑÍãÊå.
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ÎÊÇãÇð áßã ÌãíÚÇð ãÍÈÊí...
ÓÍãÇäí Úä ÕÍíÍ
Thursday 01st of November 2007 01:29:04 PM |
1239 |
Maher Mohammad Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
My mother is from Al-Jishi family, this is the first time I know that we have some relatives from the same family inside Palestine. I wish one day we'll meet together and to keep praying to our God to return our Village Suhmata to build it up and to live peacefully.
Best wishes to all inside and outside Palestine |
Thursday 25th of October 2007 12:43:24 PM |
1230 |
Mossa Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
ÇãäíÇÊí Çä äÚæÏ íæãÇ Çáì ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ æÇä äÊÈÇÏá Ýí ÇÍÖÇäåÇ ÈÇãá æÝÑÍ ÇáãÚÇíÏÇÊ æÇáÓáÇãÇÊ |
Wednesday 24th of October 2007 04:03:38 AM |
1228 |
Maher Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
Greetings to All of you in Palestine and Suhamtians all over the world. I am proud to be from Suhmata village and I hope you're all in good health.
Tuesday 23rd of October 2007 01:04:23 PM |
1225 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
It has been noticed that most of the names are common in Kaddoura Family, like Ahmad, Mohammad, Mahmoud, etc. I put up my suggestion it possible to mention the name of grandfather while writing your name. e.g. I am Mohammad Faris A/Hameed Kaddoura. This will help us to know each other more and more.
I wish this will meet your consideraiton and acceptance.
Thanks and regards to all Suhmata people. |
Sunday 21st of October 2007 11:11:58 PM |
1224 |
Siham Kurdi |
Jordan |
Whenever you see siham kurdi, please note that im writing this on behalf of my mom, Ezdihar Ahmad Kaddoura, she's wishing you a happy eid, know it's a lil bit late, but we always wish you all happy days...
Ezdihar and Siham |
Sunday 21st of October 2007 05:44:58 AM |
1216 |
Mahmoud Salim Kaddoura |
Canada |
3eid Sa3eed ya abnaa2 baladi Sohmata...
3eid Sa3eid ya falasteen...
3eid Sa3eed ya Samedeen ...
3Eid Sa3eed ya 3a2edeen ...
Thursday 18th of October 2007 10:58:23 AM |
1214 |
Mohammad Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
áÞÏ ÞÑÃÊ ÇÓã ÍãíÏ ÐíÈ ãÍãæÏ Ýí ÕÝÍÉ Ýä¡ ÊÑÇË æÍßÇíÇÊ ãä ÓÍãÇÊÇ æãÞíã Ýí ÞÑíÉ ÔÝÇ ÚãÑ Ýí ÝáÓØíä. ãä Çáããßä Çä Êßæä åäÇß ÕáÉ ÞÑÇÈÉ ÈíääÇ (ÇÍÊãÇá Çä íßæä ãä ÇæáÇÏ ÎÇá ÇáæÇáÏ) áÐÇ ÇÑÌæ ãä ÇáÇÎæÉ ÇáÇÚÖÇÁ ÇáãÓÇÚÏÉ ááÍÕæá Úáì æÓíáÉ ÇÊÕÇá ãä ÎáÇá ÇáÈÑíÏ ÇáÇáßÊÑæäí Çæ ÇíÉ æÓíáÉ ÇÎÑ æÇÑÓÇáåÇ áí áíÊÓäì áí ÇáÇÊÕÇá Èå. æáßã ÌÒíá ÇáÔßÑ æÇáÊÞÏíÑ ÓáÝÇ.
Thursday 18th of October 2007 06:37:45 AM |
1208 |
Mohammed Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
áíÓ åäÇß ÔíÆÇ ãÓÊÍíáÇ ÇÐÇ ßÇäÊ åäÇß ÇÑÇÏÉ æÊßÇÊÝ ÈíääÇ áÐÇ ÇÞÊÑÍ Çä äÊæÓÚ Ýí ÈäÇÁ Çáåíßá ÇáÕÍíÍ áÌãÚíÉ ÇåÇáì ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÈÇä íßæä åäÇß ÑÆíÓ ãäÊÎÈ ãä ÌãíÚ ÇáÇÚÖÇÁ ÇáÐíä ÇäÖãæÇ Çáì åÐå ÇáÌãÚíÉ ãä ÎáÇá åÐÇ ÇáãæÞÚ ÇáÇáßÊÑæäí Úáì Çä íÊã åÐÇ ãä ÎáÇá ÇáÊÕæíÊ ÈÚÏ ÇáÍÕæá Úáì ÇÓãÇÁ ÇáãÑÔÍíä. æÚáíå íÊã Úãá ÕäÏæÞ áãÓÇÚÏÉ ÇåÇáì ÇáÈáÏ ÇáãÍÊÇÌíä æßÐáß ÇáØáÈÉ ÇáÐíä áÏíåã ÇáäíÉ áÊßãíá ÏÑÇÓÊåã æáßä áÇ íÓÊØíÚæä áÚÏã ÊæÝíÑ ÇáÑÓæã ÇáãØáæÈÉ¡ æåÐå ÇáØÑíÞÉ íãßä ÇáÍÕæá ÚáíåÇ ÈÚÏ æÖÚ ÇáíÉ æÔÑæØ ãÊÝÞ ÚáíåÇ ãä ÌãíÚ ÇáÇÚÖÇÁ.
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ãÚ ÊÍíÇÊ æÊÞÏíÑí ááÌãíÚ
Wednesday 17th of October 2007 03:38:20 AM |
1203 |
Abdelrahim Mohammad Qaddoura |
Lebanon/Saida |
salam 5as le kol ahel So7mata da5el wa 5arej Falasteen |
Sunday 14th of October 2007 04:35:31 PM |
1199 |
Mohammed Faris Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
Eid Mubarak to all |
Saturday 13th of October 2007 07:48:30 AM |
1188 |
Ziad Kaddoura |
UAE - Shj |
Good morning,
Kindly delete the latest post by the unhonorable guest, Osordvibil.
Anyways, In the true spirit of Eid, wishing you peace and joy.. May His blessings always shine upon all of Palestine and all of you..
Sincerely |
Tuesday 09th of October 2007 02:17:45 AM |
1185 |
yosef |
palastine-israel |
ÃÍãá áßã... áÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÛÇáíÉ¡ÃØíÈ ÇáÊåÇäí ÈãäÇÓÈÉ Íáæá ÔåÑ ÑãÖÇä ÇáãÈÇÑß.... |
Monday 08th of October 2007 04:32:18 PM |
1177 |
hisham |
uae |
ßá ÚÇã æ æØääÇ ÇáÛÇáÜÜÜÜÜí ÈÎíÑ
æ ÇäÔÇááÉ ÇáÚíÏ ÇáÌÇí ßáäÇ äÚíÏ ÚíÏ Úáì ÃÑÖ ÓÍãÇÊÉ
Sunday 07th of October 2007 09:53:00 PM |
1170 |
adam |
United Kingdom |
best wishes to everyone, thanks for all your help! you have made me very happy! |
Thursday 04th of October 2007 03:58:43 AM |
1167 |
lama yarub kaddourah |
dubai |
eid mubarak alekom jamee3an w kol 3am w into bkheir |
Wednesday 03rd of October 2007 12:26:32 PM |
1164 |
Rola Fahed Najib Al-Assaad |
Copenhagen/Denmark |
My best regards and wishes to my uncle jamal assaad, cousin jamil kaddoura, and every one from suhmata
Rola Fahed Najib Al Assaad |
Tuesday 02nd of October 2007 05:47:27 AM |
1121 |
assaad |
france |
Hi to all!!
Prefessor Jamal ASSAAD
souhmata |
Saturday 15th of September 2007 07:18:11 PM |
1120 |
ßÜ ÈÓãáÉ ÇáäæÑ ãä ÓãÇÁ ÇáÖíÇÁ, íäÈÒÛ ÇáÃãá ÚæÏÉ Çáì ÇáæØä ÇáÍÈíÈ
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http://alwade.spaces.live.com/ |
Saturday 15th of September 2007 06:53:53 PM |
1106 |
Ããá ÓãÚÇä |
ÃÍãá áßã... áÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÛÇáíÉ¡
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Thursday 13th of September 2007 02:46:01 AM |
1104 |
Saleem M. Kaddoura |
00971 50 5667050 Abu Dhabi |
ÑãÖÇä ãÈÇÑßÃÚÇÏå ÇááÜÜÜÜÜå Úáíßã æÚíäÇ ÈÇáíãä æÇáÈÑßÇÊ
æÌãÚäÇ ãÚßã Ýí ÃÑÖ ÇáæØä |
Wednesday 12th of September 2007 07:06:09 AM |
1101 |
Siham |
Jordan |
My mother is a suhmati from kaddoura, and on behalf of my mom, im registering on this website to keep up with the latest news about family of kaddoura, hoping to have a reunion one day.
good day. Siham |
Wednesday 12th of September 2007 12:59:03 AM |
1099 |
Abnaa' Sumata Association |
Haifa |
ÃÌãá ÇáÊÍíÇÊ æÃÚØÑåÇ Çáì ÌãíÚ ÇåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáæØä æÝí ÏíÇÑ ÇáÛÑÈÉ ÈãäÇÓÈÉ Íáæá ÔåÑ ÑãÖÇä ÇáãÈÇÑß¡ Âãáíä Çä íÚæÏ ÚáíäÇ åÐÇ ÇáÔåÑ æäÍä Ýí ßäÝ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ äÑÝá ÈÃËæÇÈ ÇáÚÒÉ æÇáÝÑÍ ãÚ ÌãæÚ ÔÚÈäÇ ÇáÝáÓØíäí ÇáÚÇÆÏíä Çáì ÏíÇÑåã ÇáÛÇáíÉ.
Monday 10th of September 2007 01:09:32 PM |
926 |
Marzouk Ahmed Moussa |
Lebanon |
Good morning to our beloved Palestine,Suhmata,and the Palestinians everywhere
:in our homeland and the diaspora.It surprises me that group of our ancestors who left Palestine in the thirties and established families in the Latin America never visit the site to brief their relatives on their whereabouts and news.
Once again special thanks are due to those who are working on this magic site that has become a real link to the Sahamni everwhere. |
Saturday 28th of July 2007 01:11:14 AM |
917 |
Jeff Siddiqui |
Seattle, USA |
I pray for the day when all three faiths can live together as equals in ONE country and "Never Again" can be shouted with real meaning. |
Tuesday 24th of July 2007 01:11:09 AM |
916 |
ÍáÇ ÝÇíÒ ÇáÌÔí |
ÓæÑíÇ |
Íäíäí Çáíß íÇæØäí áßá Çåá ÈáÏÊí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇÑÓá ÊÍíÇÊí æãÍÈÊí |
Monday 23rd of July 2007 10:40:00 AM |
915 |
ÓæÑíÇ |
Çáíß æØäí ÓäÚæÏ æÇáíß ÞÑíÊí ÓæÝ äÚæÏ ÓáÇã áÌãíÚ Çåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇíäãÇ ßÇäæ |
Monday 23rd of July 2007 10:36:58 AM |
914 |
ÓæÑíÇ |
Çáì ßá ÇáÕÇãÏíä ãä ÇÈäÇÁ ÞÑíÊí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÊÍíÉ ãä ÇáÞáÈ |
Monday 23rd of July 2007 10:35:02 AM |
913 |
ÓæÑíÇ |
Çáì Çåá ÈáÏí æÞÑíÊí ßá ÇáãÍÈå |
Monday 23rd of July 2007 10:32:24 AM |
912 |
ÓæÑíÇ |
ÓáÇã Çáì ÓÍãÇÊÇ æÇáì Çåá ÓÍãÊÇ |
Monday 23rd of July 2007 10:29:59 AM |
904 |
ÚáÇãÇåÑ ÇáíãÇäí |
lebanon |
ãÑÍÈÇ áÌãíÚ ÇÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ áÇ ÊÙäæÇ Çääí áÇ ÇÚÑÝ Çä ÇßÊÈ ÈÇááÛÉ ÇáÇÌäÈíÉ æ áßä ÇáÓÈÈ åæ Çääí ÚÑÈíÉ æ æáÛÊí ÚÑÈíÉ æ ÓÇßÊÈ ÈåÇ ÊÍíÇÊí ááÌãíÚ ÇÊãäì Çä äáÊÞí ÌãíÚÇ Ýí ÑÈæÚ ÇÑÖäÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÛÇáíÉ æ Ýí æØääÇ ÇáÍÈíÈ ÝáÓØíä æÇÊãäì ááÌãíÚ ÇáÊæÝíÞ æ ÇáäÌÇÍ
æÇääÇ áÚÇÆÏæä íÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇäÊÙÑíäÇ |
Friday 20th of July 2007 12:45:18 AM |
885 |
Firas Mohamad |
Sweden |
Al salam alaikom
Very nice site about our village suhmata,,,i wish all the best for all the suhmani people in the world,,,hope we meet eachother in our proud suhmata. |
Friday 13th of July 2007 04:56:20 AM |
861 |
Hanna Semaan |
Haifa |
ÇáÃÍÈÉ ÃåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáæØä æÏíÇÑ ÇáÛÑÈÉ..Çä ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÊäÇÏíäÇ,æÚáíäÇ Ãä äÊãÓß ÈÚÞæáäÇ æÞáæÈäÇ æÑãæÔäÇÈÍÞ ÇáÚæÏÉ ÍÊì äÚæÏ äÍä Çáì ÃÍÖÇä ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÍÈíÈÉ æíÚæÏ ÇÎæÊäÇ ÇáÝáÓØíäíæä Çáì ÏíÇÑåã ÇáÛÇáíÉ |
Wednesday 04th of July 2007 08:22:47 AM |
817 |
Marzouk Ahmed Moussa |
Lebanon |
Many a time I have mixed feelings when one of our beloved dies.The main concern is that he or she has died where he never belongs.Itis at this moment we long towards Suhmata that surely gives us identity and dignity.
Saturday 23rd of June 2007 02:58:41 PM |
814 |
Hasan Marzouk Moussa |
Lebanon |
One day our dream will come true.The dream is flourishing daily.It's a mix of our beloved village:its hills,trees,valleys,farms and our ancestors' memories. |
Friday 22nd of June 2007 02:53:56 PM |
798 |
Rima kaddoura |
good morrning to you alllllll :) |
Tuesday 19th of June 2007 01:30:08 AM |
728 |
Suhmani |
Lebanon |
æÝÑÍäÇ ÃßËÑ áãÇ ÔÝäÇ Ãåá ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÝáÓØíä Úáì ÅÊÕÇá ãÚ Ãåáåã Ýí ÇáãäÇÝí.
• ßá æÇÍÏ ãä ÓÍãÇÊÇ íÕáÍ ÚáÇÞÊå ãÚ ÞÑÇÈÊå.
• ÚáãæÇ ÃæáÇÏßã ÇáãÍÈÉ.
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ÓÍãÇäí Úä ÕÍíÍ
Sunday 13th of May 2007 05:47:04 AM |
694 |
Walid Jabr Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
I call for the interaction of all Sumata people around the world.It will be good to know the news of our people where ever they are.
Let's start in Lebanon,we should meet more often,we should have summer gatherings and other activities,let's get together,let's help the young generation in meeting each other.
Regards. |
Monday 30th of April 2007 05:48:43 AM |
659 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
Dear people of Suhmata,
We call on you with your friends and supporters to visit our beloved village in the 59th commemoration of Al-Nakbaon tuesday ,April 24 at 11th Am .
As we do every year we will raise aloft our voice for our common just cause -Right Of Return to our homes and land.
Warm greetings to all Suhmatans around the world. |
Thursday 19th of April 2007 02:24:38 AM |
645 |
ãÇáß ÃíæÈ |
Zuerich/Suisse |
áÞÏ ÞãÊ Ýí äåÇíÉ ÔåÑ ÂÐÇÑ 2007 ÈÒíÇÑÉ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÚÒíÒÉ ÓÍãÇÊÇ æ ÞÏ ÅÓÊÞÈáäÇ ÚäÏ ãÏÎá ÇáÞÑíÉ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÃáÕÇãÏãæä Ýí ÃÑÖ ÇáæØä ÑÛã ÞÓæÉ ÇáÇÍÊáÇá . áÞÏ ÔÚÑÊ ÈÇáãÍÈÉ æ ÇáãæÏÉ ÇáÊí íßäåÇ áäÇ ÃÈäÇÁ ÞÑÊäÇ ÇáÕÇãÏæä æÇáÊí ÓãÚäÇÚäåÇãä ÃåÇáíäÇ ØæÇá ÓäæÇÊ ÇáÊÔÑÏ. ÝÊÍíÉ áßá ÝÑÏ ãäßã íÇ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÎíÑÉ. ÊÍíÉ Çáì ÑÒÞ æ ÍäÇæ áØÝíÉ ÓãÚÇä ÊÍíÉ Çáì æÌíå ÓãÚÇä æ ÝæÒí ãæÓì æ ãÍãÏ ãÍãæÏ ÊÍíÉ Çáì ãÈÏì æ ÇÓÇãÉ ÓãÚÇä æ Çáì ÃÈæ ÚÏäÇä æ Çã ÚÏäÇä æÇáì ÓÇåÑÉ æ ãÇåÑ ÓãÚÇä æ Çáì ßá ÝÑÏ áã íÓÊÍÖÑäí ÇáÇä ÇÓãå . áÞÏ ÑÝÚÊã ÑÄæÓäÇ íÇ ÇÈäÇÁ ÞÑÊäÇ ÇáÇÚÒÇÁ æ åÇ ÇäÇ ÇæÌå ÇáäÏÇÁ Çáì ßá ÇÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáÔÊÇÊ æ ÇáãåÌÑ Ýí ÇæÑæÈÇ æ ÇãÑíßÇ æ ßäÏÇ Ýí ÇáÈÑÇÒíá æ ÇÓÊÑÇáíÇ ÇäÇÏíßã ÌãíÚÇ ÒæÑæÇ ÞÑÊäÇ ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÝÍÌÇÑÉ ÇáÑÍÈÉ ÇáÊí ÝÑÍÊ ÈÃÚÑÇÓ ÇÌÏÇÏßã æ ÔåÏÊ ãíáÇÏ Çåáßã ÊäÇÏíßã ÍÈÇÊ ÇáÒíÊæä æ ÇÔÌÇÑ ÇáÊíä ÊÓÊÕÑÎßã ÚæÏæÇ ÒæÑæÇ ÇáÞÑíÉ ÃËÈÊæÇ ÈæÌæÏßã Ýí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÍÞ ÇáÚæÏÉ ÍÞ ÇáÚæÏÉ ÇáÐí íÈÞì ÑÛã ÊÈÏá ÇáÇÌíÇá |
Wednesday 11th of April 2007 01:33:32 AM |
638 |
M7ammad Hassan Ayoub |
Lebanon - UAE |
Hello everyone, nice to meet you all. For any1 who can, plz visit SUHMATA location on Google earth, coordinates( 33° 0'17.55"N - 35°18'14.16"E) and submit any information about houses locations since its all demolished at the moment. For the sake of Suhmata, For the sake of our Ancestors... |
Sunday 01st of April 2007 08:47:30 AM |
635 |
hisham kaddoura |
USA - California |
This is a great website, I am still in shock that I found this website that connects me to my roots and my people. Let's stay in touch.
Thank you and God bless you |
Sunday 25th of March 2007 03:08:32 AM |
634 |
Ali Rafa |
Haifa |
ÝÑÍÊ ÌÏÇ ÈãæÞÚßã æÇÊãäì ÇáÊæÝíÞ áßá ãä ÓÇåã ÈåÐÇ ÇáãÔÑæÚ. |
Thursday 22nd of March 2007 12:22:19 PM |
633 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
In the Mother's Day , we would like to congratulate all the mothers in world specially those from Suhmata and Palestine , Happy Mother Day |
Tuesday 20th of March 2007 02:50:21 PM |
632 |
seham el-yamani |
uae-sharjah |
hi to all palestinian who lives in palestine and outside,just wanna say " HAPPY MOTHER DAY " to all the palestinian women and wishing u all the best in ur life.. may god bless u |
Tuesday 20th of March 2007 01:40:50 PM |
630 |
hala walid kaddoura |
lebanon |
hi to all |
Monday 12th of March 2007 09:04:45 AM |
629 |
Walid Jabr Kaddoura |
Lebanon - China |
It has been a long time since I visited this site.
I just wanted to say hi. |
Monday 12th of March 2007 05:47:00 AM |
628 |
Donya Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
ÃÍáì æÃÚÈÞ ÇáÊÍíÇÊ ÃÑÓáåÇ Çáì Âá ÇáÌÔí Ýí ÓæÑíÇ æÃíäãÇ ßÇäæÇ ¡ æÇáì ßá ÇåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÇÍÈÉÝí ÏíÇÑ ÇáÛÑÈÉ.. Çä ÑÈæÚ ÇáæØä ÊäÇÏíäÇ ¡ æÚáíäÇ Çä äæÇÕá ÇáãÓíÑÉ ßí íÚæÏ ÇáÝáÓØíäíæä Çáì ÏíÇÑåã ¡ æäÚæÏ äÍä ÇáÓÍÇãäÉ Çáì ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÌãíáÉ |
Thursday 08th of March 2007 12:38:49 PM |
627 |
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã íÓÚÏäí æíÔÑÝäí ÇÎæÊí Çä ÇÎØ áßã åÐå ÇáßáãÇÊ íÇ ÇÈäÇÁ ÞÑíÊí ÇáÍÈíÈÉ ÓÍãÇÊÇáÇ Çãáß ÇáßËíÑ áÇÞæá æáßä ÇÏÚæ Çááå ÚÒ æÌá Çä äÌÊãÚ íæãÇ ãÇ Ýí ÑÍÇÈ ÞÑíÊäÇ ÇáÛÇáíÉ ãÍÑÑÉ ãÚÒÒÉ ãßÑãÉ Èåãã ÇÈäÇÁåÇ æÑÌÇá ÇáËæÑÉ ÇáÝáÓØíäíÉ ÊÍíÉ áßã ÌãíÚÇ æÊÍíÉ áßá ÇÈäÇÁ ÝÊÍ ÇáãíÇãíä Ýí ßá ãßÇä ÚÇÔÊ ÝÊÍ ÏíãæãÉ ÇáËæÑÉÚÇÔÊ ÝáÓØíä ÍÑÉ ÚÑÈíÉ |
Monday 05th of March 2007 04:23:44 AM |
623 |
محمد الجشي |
damascus |
hi everyone .
i am muhammad khaled atef aljiche .
in the name of aljiche family i wish for u better
life .
we wish we could meet in our wonderful village
someday .
Monday 26th of February 2007 01:12:32 PM |
622 |
H. Hussein Kaddoura |
UAE, Abu Dhabi |
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for keeping records for one of the most important loams to us.
Hearing about SUHMATA from the family lets you picture how it was and kindles the pride of belonging to such village. We've been blessed to watch memories in reflected the eyes of people lived over there, with this site and committee; the next generation would be able to at least have a record.
Wish you nothing but continued success, and being all neighbors in SUHMATA soon. Until that day SALAM
Tuesday 20th of February 2007 04:26:00 AM |
615 |
Khazneh Sema'an |
Haifa |
ÊÍíÉ ÃÚØÑ ãä ÇáæÑÏ Çáì ßá Âá ÕÇáÍ ãÍãæÏ ÞÏæÑÉ Ýí ÇãÑíßÇ¡ æÇáì ßá ÇåÇáí ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇíäãÇ ßÇäæÇ.. Çááå íÌãÚäÇ ãÚ ÈÚÖ ÊÍÊ ÞÈÉ ÓãÇÁ ÞÑíÊäÇ æÚáì ËÑÇåÇ ÇáØíÈ..æíÑÌÚ ßá ÇáÝáÓØíäííä Çáì ãæÇØäåã ÇáÃÕáíÉ Ýí ÝáÓØíä |
Thursday 01st of February 2007 04:59:31 AM |
613 |
hala walid kaddoura |
lebanon |
Tuesday 23rd of January 2007 02:47:20 AM |
612 |
seham thaer el-yamani |
uae |
I would like to thank all the peopl who supported and worked on this site, and i would like to thank them for raising our voices to the world saving our existance, after what all the isreali enenmy did to our land trying to hide the real history of Plaestine "OUR LAND" and tryin to demolish our rights.. May god bless you |
Sunday 21st of January 2007 04:52:48 PM |
611 |
lebanon |
Saturday 20th of January 2007 02:14:03 PM |
610 |
H. Semaan |
Haifa |
I would like to thank you for this amazing website,go ahead in serving our just cause to come back home.
salamat to all people of Suhmata and hope to meat in our beloved village . |
Friday 19th of January 2007 08:36:06 PM |
608 |
Mahmod abasi |
www.freedoms-rap.com |
ÓáÇã ãä ÝÑÞÉ ÇáÃÍÑÇÑ ááÑÇÈ ÇáÚÑÈí áÇ ÌãíÚ Ãåá ÝáÓØíä æÇäÔÇÁ Çááå ÊÊÍÑ æÍÞ ÇáÚæÏ íßæä ãæÌæÏ www.myspace.com/thefreedoms www.freedoms-rap.com |
Monday 15th of January 2007 02:34:32 PM |
603 |
mohammad ali kaddoura |
U.A.E |
hi to all I miss my country so much and i miss my family in souhmata i like all the palastinian and hi for souhmata |
Sunday 14th of January 2007 06:01:50 AM |
602 |
æáíÏ ÇáÕÇáÍ |
áÈäÇä |
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã ÊÍíÉ Åáì ÌãíÚ ÃÈäÇÁ ÓÍãÇÊÇ Ýí ÇáæØä æÇáÔÊÇÊ áÞÏ ÇÓÊÛÑÈÊ ÚÏã ÐßÑßã ÇÓã ÚÇÆáÊäÇ Öãä ÃÓãÇÁ ÇáÚÇÆáÇÊ ÇáÓÍãÇäíÉ ÇáæÇÑÏÉ Ýí ãæÞÚßã ÝÌÏí åæ Úáí ÃÍãÏ ÇáÕÇáÍ ÇáãÚÑæÝ ÈÚáí ãÑíã äÓÈÉ Åáì Ããå ãÑíã ÚÈÏ ÇááØíÝ ÈáÔÉ ÃÑÌæ ÇáÊÕÍíÍ ÑÇÌíÇð áßã ÏæÇã ÇáäÌÇÍ |
Thursday 11th of January 2007 04:26:22 PM |
601 |
Ziad Kaddoura |
I am asking for a request please.
If some1 have the family tree of "Kaddoura" faily can some1 email it to me plz.
Thanks in advance
kind regards |
Saturday 06th of January 2007 08:31:45 AM |
600 |
Ziad Kaddoura |
UAE - Shj |
Eid Mubarak and Happy New Year!
I have the pleasure of sending you all my most sincere wishes for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS YEAR IN 2007.
And may Allah support all the Palestinians, Muslim and Arab world
Saturday 06th of January 2007 08:06:41 AM |
599 |
salam thaer al yamani |
uae -sharjah |
mar7aba,i would like to wish all palestinian people a prosperous 2007,full of joy full moments and bright achievements . |
Friday 05th of January 2007 08:39:35 AM |
598 |
جورج مصاروة |
الاردن |
انا من الاردن ومن مدينة مادبا بالتحديد...من محاسن الصدف وانا اتجول عبر النت هنا وهناك عثرت على موقعكم هذا... اعجبني هذا الموقع وشدني اليه كثيرا تصفحت العديد من روابطه وعادت الذكريات الأليمة على قلبي بل على كل عربي حرّ شريف... ادعو الله من كل قلب صادق ان يعيد الحق الى نصابه ويرجع المهجرون الى قراهم...ولن يضيع حق وراءه مطالب. وختاما تقبلوا وافر محبتي واحترامي مع تقديري العظيم للجهود المبذولة من قبل القائمين على هذا الموقع جورج مصاروة |
Monday 01st of January 2007 05:51:25 PM |
597 |
Mahmoud Salim Kaddoura |
Toronto Canada |
Salam for all, Our relatives in suhamata and aroundthe world.
Merry Christmas, Eid Mubarak,, and happy new year
I owuld like to thank abnaa suhmata for the lovely website.
by the way, it is becomming known amongst the activist comunity in Toront :)
keep it up. |
Thursday 28th of December 2006 09:28:40 PM |
596 |
Ahmad |
Denmark |
Iam pleased 2 se our brothers and sisters from my country meeting each other.
Inorder to say we`ll never forget .
Tuesday 26th of December 2006 05:28:32 PM |
595 |
Monday 25th of December 2006 06:50:18 AM |
594 |
ÒÇåÑ ãÍãÏ ãÑå |
Abu Dhabi,UAE |
ÊÍíÉ ãÍÈÉ ææÝÇÁ Çáì ÃåáäÇ Ýí ÝáÓØíä , ßá ÝáÓØíä , Ýí ÓÍãÇÊÇ æÎÇÑÌ ÓÍãÇÊÇ , Çáì ÃåáäÇ ÇáÕÇãÏíä Ýí ÈáÏ ÇáÕãæÏ æÇáäÖÇá , Çáì ÇáãÑÇÈØíä Ýí ãÎíãÇÊ ÇáÔÊÇÊ Ýí áÈäÇä ......Ýí ÈíÑæÊ , ÕíÏÇ , ÕæÑ , ÈÚáÈß , ØÑÇÈáÓ ßá ÚÇã æÃäÊã ÈÎíÑ , ãíáÇÏ ãÌíÏ æÃÖÍì ãÈÇÑß |
Saturday 23rd of December 2006 11:55:17 PM |
591 |
adib kaddoura |
edmonton, ab, canada |
salam alikoum
i recently travelled to lebanon with my parents. one day, we took a trip to the palestine/lebanon border. my of how how beautiful palestine was. my dad explained to me on how they came from suhmata during the nakbaa, he told me that they stopped in a town and slep by the pool. as the trip went longer, we reached the town and the pool was still there.
looking into the hill of palestine, my father said that suhamata is just on top of one of those hills. how far have we tavelled and close to home we were. for one moment, i trully felt that i was home.
suhmata is for us, hope that it remains in our hearts forever |
Wednesday 13th of December 2006 08:25:48 PM |
587 |
Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
Very nice to have such a website which enables us to read every thing concerns our beloved village-Suhmata.Heartfelt greetings to Al-Jeshi famillies and all suhmatans all over the world .Hope to live one day togther in Suhmata. |
Friday 08th of December 2006 02:16:49 AM |
584 |
Abu Heithem |
Haifa |
It looks nice site with rich contents.Special salutes to all those who have the dream to come back home because one day it would becme a reality. |
Friday 17th of November 2006 09:53:24 AM |
419 |
kuwait |
ÊÍíÇÊí Çáì ÌãíÚ ÇáÇÞÇÑÈ æÇáäÓÈ Ýí áÈäÇä ( ÞÏæÑÉ , ÇáÌÔí , ÎÔÇä ) æÇáì ãÚÇÑÝäÇ Ýí ÕíÏÇ æ æÇÏí ÇáÒíäÉ æ ÌÏÑÇ æ ÇáäÇÚãå æÇáì ÌãíÚ ÇÚÒÇÆäÇ Ýí ÇáãÎíãÇÊ æÈÇáÇÎÕ ãÎíã ÇáÑÔíÏíÉ |
Saturday 28th of October 2006 02:15:24 AM |
418 |
kuwait |
ÕÈÇÍ ÇáÎíÑ Çáì ßá ÇáãæÌæÏíä ãä ÓÍãÇÊÇ ÇáÚÒíÒÉ æÇáãÞíãíä Ýí ÌãíÚ ÇáÏæá æÇÞæá áßã ÈÍÈßã ßËíííííííííííÑ |
Saturday 28th of October 2006 02:11:02 AM |
417 |
Saturday 28th of October 2006 02:07:27 AM |
414 |
seham thaer el yamani |
sallam lal kol falasteni w la abna2 so7mata..
ana kteer mabsoota ini shuf mawkee3 la ilna abna2 so7mata 7ta nit3raf 3ala ahlina w e5wana be palestine w bshkor kol 7ad sh5es sharak be hal mawkee3 w kman bshkor l3alam ili 7kat 3an abu-maher il yamani..
w allah yewfe2ko be kol she ya rab |
Friday 27th of October 2006 09:01:33 PM |
411 |
Hanna Semaan |
Haifa |
This is very nice and great site. It strengthens the bonds among suhmata people and contributes very much to raise their spirits to stick strongly to their just cause to come back home. |
Friday 27th of October 2006 01:05:18 PM |
299 |
Rami |
Jordan |
I would like to thank those you had the idea to make this website, it is reach in a very unique information. thank you all for everything... Ramadan Kareem and Happy Eid |
Friday 06th of October 2006 07:44:45 AM |
296 |
ABNAA' SUHMATA Association |
Haifa |
Warm Greetings and RAMADN KAREEM to all people of Suhmata throughout the world.
Let's us keep the spirit and confidence that one day we shall meet on the good earth of Suhmata and celebrate together all our anniversaries.
Thursday 21st of September 2006 01:18:34 PM |
293 |
palestinian |
................... |
Dear all visitors,
I think that some visitors are misusing this site by treating it as a hotmail.
I observe some chating thru it.
To those,once u know each personal hotmail,use it and don't miuse this site.
thanks. |
Friday 15th of September 2006 09:49:39 AM |
292 |
yassir kaddourah |
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã ÓÑäí ãÇ ßÊÈ Úä ÇáÃÎ ÇÈæ ãÇåÑ ÇáíãÇäí æßÊÇÈå ÎÇÕÉ Çääí ÈÍË Úä ÇáßÊÇÈ Ýí ÈíÑæÊ Ýí ÇáÕíÝ Ýáã ÃÌÏå.
ÃÞæã ÈãÓÇÚÏÉ ÈÚÖ ÇáãÎáÕíä ÈÊæËíÞ ÈÚÖ ÇáãÞÇÈáÇÊ ãä ßÈÇÑ ÇáÓä ãä ÓÍãÇÊÇ æäÌãÚ ãÇ ÊíÓÑ ãä ÃÝßÇÑ áæÖÚåÇ Ýí ÔÑíØ æËÇÆÞí ÞÕíÑ.. íäÞÕäÇ ÔÑíØ ãÕæÑ Úä ÇáÈáÏÉ ÊæÖÍ ãÚÇáãåÇ æßá ãÍÇæáÇÊäÇ ÈÇÆÊ ÈÇáÝÔá ÍÊì ÇáÂä.. ÍÊì ÃÍÏ ÇÞÑÈÇÆäÇ ÇáÐí æÚÏäÇ ÎíÑÇð ÎáÇá ÇáÕíÝ áÃäå íäæí ÒíÇÑÉ ÓÍãÇÊÇ áã íÊãßä ãä Ðáß áÃä áÍÑÈ ÍÇáÊ Ïæä æÕæáå Ûáì Åáì ÓÍãÇÊÇ.
ãä íãßäå áãÓÇÚÏÉ ÈÃí æÓíáÉ Ãæ ÍÊì ÈÇáÃÝßÇÑ äÑÌæ Ãä áÇ íÈÎá ÚáíäÇ ÈåÇ.. æáßã ÇáÔßÑ |
Friday 15th of September 2006 01:58:13 AM |
291 |
Mahmoud Jabr Kaddoura |
China |
Hello to all.I hope all of you had a good Summer.
I am writing this message from China,where me and my brothers have a business.I wonder if any of Suhmata people been here in Guangzhou,China.
Would like to offer any help if any of you is here.
Best regards. |
Sunday 10th of September 2006 10:47:48 PM |
253 |
Zaher |
hi again, thx 4 removing those addresses.
take Care.
250 |
zaher |
Hello to all, I just have one thing to say,
what r these weird address with their weird emails, Abnaa Suhmata where are u check the guest book pls. don't allow intrudors to poison this website. |
237 |
kaddoura |
m7ammad |
sallam ya 7elwin tsharafna bel ahlna wa arayebna yaret te3maluli add khaykon m7ammad men almania ;) |
August 23, 2006 - 11:11 AM |
236 |
Fadi |
Haifa |
I hope you will enjoy the new sections we out in the website.
I am sure it will stay a testimony for generations.
All the Best
August 22, 2006 - 10:05 AM |
229 |
aleen |
Haifa |
this summerlethearts know what doves know cherish love and peace and spred it far and wide |
August 04, 2006 - 04:56 PM |
228 |
Hala Walid Kaddoura |
... |
Those Israelians took our land, killed our children, killed our people, destroyed our homes, but soon we will defeat the animals.... soon,labayka ya nasr lah
August 01, 2006 - 12:52 PM |
226 |
Hadi Saleh Kaddoura |
I came with my family from USA to visit suhmata.I am 2 hours away from it and can not see it because of the war, there is a curfew in Northern Palestine.. My heart aches.. I will do my best to go and see Suhmata even for few minutes..I recommend everyone to come and visit Palestine.. it's so Beautiful |
July 29, 2006 - 05:42 PM |
225 |
fayez ahmad aljshi |
... |
i like to say hello to my land and my hom |
July 29, 2006 - 02:16 PM |
224 |
Youssef Moussa |
Qatar |
My first visit
will stay in touch
I am sure my father will be happy to hear about this
take care all |
July 20, 2006 - 03:03 AM |
223 |
Salamoon |
Hi All
Iam Rabie Salamoon , Palestinian lebanese live and work in UAE and i was searhing and i found the site , its cool the truth to see My country photo's that i born hearing of it and never seen it but waiting the day that i can see it , well that will be cool if you put more and more photo's for suhmata and this will let us love our village more and more , my best regards to all who work in this site and wish all success.
Rabie Salamoon
Palestinian in Broad
July 12, 2006 - 12:13 PM |
222 |
rajaa |
Haifa |
go ahead in building your great site.
my deep solidarity with all displaced persons and refugees of palestine.
July 04, 2006 - 05:52 AM |
219 |
Giuliano Mohammad |
Denmark |
I offer my condolences to the Kaddouras.
Nice site, it was referred to me by my father, whom was born after the zionists kicked us out. Yet none of us will let this atrocity be forgotten and justice shall be ours, in this generation or the next.
I am wondering what i can do for my part in Denmark, as I, like many palestinians here are political and I have run for city counsil and parliament. I have come to realise that as palestinian you get close to nowhere relying on other people as attitude towards us drifts as a leaf in the mercy of the wind. So we must stand strong on our own feet and shape our future, no one have done so yet.
If somebody somewhere are acting politically i would be very interested know and maybe to contribute if possible.
June 19, 2006 - 09:39 AM |
216 |
Farah Jamal Elounais |
we have heard of death and we've even seen it
and we all acknowledge the thought that all souls will go back to it's creator but although we know that, we can't accept it.i wrote these lines because we have lost a dear soul my cousin Mohamad Haseeb Kaddoura(may his soul rest in peace)
- we have faced life in many faces
some were sad and others happy
never expecting a tragedy to come
one so depressing we can't overcome
a great soul left us without saying goodbye
leaving behind the memories of his cherished days
we are afraid to face reality and believe in his death
we grasp to those memories afraid of letting them go
we drench ourselves with tears
remembering the days he spent with us
where instead we should pray for him
so that the one watching us hears
i am proud to stand and say that he is my cousin
for the accomplishments he made in his days on earth
are far greater than what some of us have done
his great spirit ... |
June 10, 2006 - 01:32 PM |
211 |
jamil |
Denmark |
best regards
June 04, 2006 - 11:01 AM |
205 |
mokhamed azzam |
... |
Thank you again for nice way to communicate us all. Please I need informations about who need help from our people in lebanon , syria and palestine. all who would like to cooperate and help people from Suhmata lets start.
my regards to all
yours faithfully
mokhamed azzam |
May 18, 2006 - 05:26 AM |
204 |
MAY14,1948 TO MAY14,2006
http://www.plands.org/map.htm |
May 14, 2006 - 12:39 AM |
203 |
Wadee' Sema'n |
Fassouta |
I feel so glad because you are keeping in touch with Suhmata site. In fact, it is a great window to know more about our village and to strenghten the ties among us. Let us do our best to be together one day on it's good soil.
Salamat to all |
May 08, 2006 - 05:44 AM |
202 |
Ayman Abdul-latif Jameel Balshe |
Minnesota - USA |
I would like to say THANK YOU to Wajih Seman and everybody who worked on this website. You can't imagine how much I have learned about Suhmata. All of us need to support Abnaa Suhmata Association (ASA). How about we put a goal of having records of all the Suhmatan's there are?? Salam to everybody, my dream in life is to visit Suhmata one day.
May 05, 2006 - 04:34 PM |
201 |
khalid Hussein Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi |
i feel very proud when i see that we have a web-site ..... its the best way to feel that we belong to some place...
best regards for all |
May 03, 2006 - 12:03 AM |
200 |
Bassil Murra |
... |
Palestine: The Ultimate Injustice of Our Time
As a child, I used to go to the sea shore near the refugee camp where I lived, staring for hours at the hills near the border. My grandmother told me once that Palestine is right behind those hills. My heart traveled with the seagulls every day to imagine how it looked like on the other side. It was a journey of yearning that fueled by love of the land. Since then, the dream grew bigger and bigger to return to the homeland.
58 years passed since the occupation of Palestine, and the Palestinian cause had never been more alive in our hearts, feelings, memories, and conscience. We will never abandon the dream to return.
Through wars, massacres, and atrocities, the Zionist entity "Israel" was established. It was built on the destruction and misery of the Palestinian people. They stole the hope and peace, but never enjoyed the hope and peace: They always live in fear. They fear the olive trees, the red flowers, the song b...
April 26, 2006 - 10:19 AM |
199 |
Hadi Kaddoura |
... |
our hearts and prayerswith you .. we wish we could join you for may 3rd event. Insha Allah I will visit Suhmata this year for the first time with all my family. Hope to see all sahamni in Falestine. till then, keep the faith, never give up. we will go back soon. |
April 25, 2006 - 12:08 AM |
198 |
Abnaa' Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
We have read in “Al-Awda” website that the Canadian authorities have issued a deportation order for Issam Al-Yamani. We denounce strongly this order, and call on the Canadian authorities to halt this act and grant Issam AL-Yamani permanent status in Canada, until he will return to his homeland.
April 24, 2006 - 06:11 AM |
197 |
kaddoura kaddoura |
Hello to you all.
I wonder why the enemies are trying to hack this site, I am writing to those people with strange names and locations.
Best regards to all our people and to the ones who sympathise with our cause.
April 16, 2006 - 07:25 AM |
196 |
m7ammad_kaddoura |
germany |
sallam ya 3arab i love you all ahel so7mata inshalah bnerga3 men el ghorba wa bterga3 bladina wa ta7iyati la phalastin wa ahl el 3arab kulon 3anjad meshta2 la wattani wa a7babi wa ahli wa araybi m7ammad kaddoura men germany bussy 4 all:)
April 15, 2006 - 09:41 PM |
195 |
Ahmad J. Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
A date to remember:
April, 13th.1975, 31 years ago, Ain Al Rumanah bus attack. That day many Palestinians were killed in that (Bosta) as they call it in Lebanon.
Let us always remember our dead people
who died in Palestine, Lebanon and other Arab countries.
Let us remember the suffering of our people in all Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and mostly the ones who are stuck at the borders of Jordon and Iraq.
Let us keep in mind if there is or was justice in the world, we did not have to go through all this pain and suffering.
I wish our parents and grand parents stayed in our beloved Palestine in 1948, that could safe us a lot of sadness.
Let us remember that we are all Palestinians and we share the same pain.
Best regards to you all and have a Good Friday and Happy Easter.
April 13, 2006 - 02:13 AM |
194 |
rajaa |
haifa |
Im so tuched.. keep on givin, and fight for our right to be back.. this way our new generision will never forgot who they are so they can be proude of there I.D and they will contenue the way back to falasteen
April 12, 2006 - 12:29 PM |
193 |
zahir mourra |
abu dhabi |
lets keep remembering our loved village suhmata especially next thursday 30th march 2006 ( youm al ared ) regards to everybody from suhmata & hole palestine
March 27, 2006 - 08:51 AM |
192 |
France |
Hallo abou Ayman, How is all, we must send the adress of thes pages to all people from suhmata...I will make soonly (with my cousin Dr. Fahed Assaad from Danemark) the tree of the familly. So If you have any informations about our familly (fahed nayef mohammed assaad and/ othmane, we don't know exactly) please send it to us. |
March 18, 2006 - 07:41 AM |
191 |
muhammed abd algani amer |
... |
hi 2 all i wana 2 know more about suhmata people i love it i wana make frinds from my love akka and if any one know about my family (amer) plz tell me bec i dont know any thing i am 22 year old live in lebanon and gaza study in jordan
March 17, 2006 - 08:10 PM |
190 |
Mahmoud Saleh Kaddoura |
... |
Assalamu Alaikum,
I would like to congradulate all of you and thank you for the great efforts for keeping the spirit of Suhmata alive.
There is not enough words to express the gratitude for such act.
We would like you to know that we are very appreciative and join hands with you for keeping the spirit of love and unity among this beloved village of Suhmata and it's kind people.
It is already a fact that we been together as one family for long time and which will continue for all times.
Thanks to all from Suhmata who are still there and not forgetting to keep us informed of what is still happening there.
To all of you, our thanks is not enough for all your efforts and activities for the just cause of keeping the name of Suhmata alive. Suhmata is a model of any Palestinian village which all people love to keep it's name alive for ever.
Shukran to brother Wajeeh Suma'n and to all members and my salute to all of our beloved Suhmatans where ever, especially to the ones who are s...
March 17, 2006 - 01:43 PM |
189 |
Shaker |
Haifa |
It is a very rich site, thank you all.
it is one of the greatest sites i ever saw regarding the displaced Palestinians.
thank you
March 17, 2006 - 05:37 AM |
188 |
ahmad kaddoura, abu ayman |
canada |
dear relatives. i was born and raised in suhmata. this site was the first time i saw suhmata since i left it. i remmeberd it as soon as i saw the picture. it brought old tears and joy to me and my family. my mother is buried in suhmata, and insallah i will come visit the town soon. i do hope to see you all soon, and if you have any questions about the town, please feel free to ask me. not many of us old guys left. take care and salam alikoum
March 15, 2006 - 04:57 PM |
187 |
hashem kaddoura |
rama |
good evening everybody
it"s good to see you all here in this great site and i hope to see all of you here in suhmata and not just in the net
god pless you all |
March 13, 2006 - 01:47 PM |
186 |
Elissar |
It gave me a great pleasure to find such a good site that tells facts about our beloved village "Suhmata".Loving Palestine keeps me alive.
good work and please keep updating the site with new pictures and news.You are our eyes that see our land all the time.
Long live Palestine |
March 12, 2006 - 05:33 AM |
185 |
assaad |
Lille |
Bonjour, Hi!
I'm happy ti find this site. 4m from suhmata but I live actually in France and I was born in lebanon...vive suhmata |
March 10, 2006 - 02:32 AM |
183 |
Wajih Seman |
Haifa |
Dears Abnaa' Suhmata,
we are full of happiness for your proposals and enthusiasm to the website. We shall do our best to continue in enriching it through the current year according to our possibilities.
As Palestinians, let us strengthen our ties and march together along the road which shall leads us one day to our beloved suhmata.
Wajih Seman
March 04, 2006 - 12:52 PM |
182 |
Ahmad Kaddoura |
China |
My dear lucky people who are able to see the village of Suhamta, can you up date the pictures of our town.
Please can some body take a good shot of the whole village.
It is spring time there now, and for sure some body can take good picture over there.
Best regards to all Palestinians in Palestine and to the ones who are scatttered around the whole world.
March 03, 2006 - 07:39 PM |
181 |
Zaher |
Canada |
Anybody who recognizes Israel, then he belongs to the zionism concepts, and therefore is our enemy.. |
February 25, 2006 - 12:44 AM |
180 |
zaher |
Canada |
Hello to all, and I have a special message to Dr. Ibraheem Attalla.
Well Dr. Ibrahim, if you want the next generations to know about Suhmata, you should first start with Palestine.
There is no such a thing called Israel, we as Palestinians & Muslims& Christians shouldn't recognize Israel as a country.. It's Palestine, and always will be Palestine, so why the hell you send the location of your message as (Israel), what ill will do you have? You should have some respect.....Regards. |
February 25, 2006 - 12:35 AM |
179 |
Asaba Owerri |
Lagos Nwanne |
February 24, 2006 - 02:27 AM |
178 |
Ibraheem Attalla |
... |
I appreciations all of you – who made this site - about this great site.
that includes a great value of documentation. Specially at this time after 57 years. The recent generation must know a lot about the place they belong to.
Good work & good time for all of you
D'r Ibaheem Attalla
February 21, 2006 - 01:14 PM |
177 |
Gassan Said |
London |
Very nice site.Myregards to all SUHMATA People inside and outside PALESTINE.Iam trust we will met in our PALESTINE HOME very soon INSHAALLAH. |
February 18, 2006 - 09:31 PM |
176 |
Wajih Seman |
Suhmata |
To all those who are visiting our website, we would like to inform you that from now and upon we are begining in sending mails to all those who are joining our news letter service.
Salamat to all, and you can join the service in any time.
Abna' Suhmata Association
February 16, 2006 - 02:40 PM |
175 |
Rashid Kaddoura |
Dear Mr. Kaddoura.
Iam not aplogizing for the protest. our TOWN (sOHMATA) is mixed of Christians and Muslims.We need to respect each other. I am apologizing for the wrong act of hiting churches in lebanon only. it is not of our Muslim principles to go and hit others places of worship of others. We have to be consider it. if you like you can emaIl me on my email address.
God Bless you,
Rashid |
February 09, 2006 - 11:41 PM |
174 |
kaddoura Kaddoura |
I wonder about Mr. Rashid Kaddoura message. Why are you apologizing for what happened last Sunday in Lebanon!!
You should not write about this subject, we have nothing to do with it and I do not think the people of Suhmata who still in Palestine are waiting for you or anybody else to show them any sorrow.
I hope Mr. Rashid could write something more meaningful.
Best regards. |
February 09, 2006 - 01:33 AM |
173 |
Huda Askoul |
Kuwait |
Salam |
February 09, 2006 - 12:19 AM |
172 |
Huda |
Kuwait |
Salam to alم (suhmaneye) i am so proud of this site its realy amazing thanks for all the people who is been concern to make this site ..good job. |
February 08, 2006 - 11:49 PM |
171 |
Rashid Kaddorua |
... |
Peace be up on you,
To our dear Christians families from Ahali Sohmata.
I like to apologize for you for the violent act that happens agains the churches in Lebanon. from intruders or People with political agenda or from Muslims. But becasue it is named from Muslims I like to apologize for you. and let you know this is not of Muslims principles to burn churches. The muslims of sohmata love The Christians of Sohmata and other christians. We love who loves Jesus. We will build our city on the love and respect of each other.
I love you,
G |
February 07, 2006 - 06:54 PM |
170 |
Hisham Mohammed Kaddoura |
Al Salam Alaikum,
THANKS to all those hardworking people who could set, create and publish this website. THANKS to the supporting team and all who signed this book.
THANKS to each and every Palestinian for being a Palestinan. THANKS to Suhmata for giving me the HOPE....and more.
February 07, 2006 - 12:09 PM |
169 |
yassir A.Kaddourah |
This is the first time i visit this site.. It's so nice and helpful.. Will be in contact soon inshallah..
February 02, 2006 - 03:05 PM |
168 |
maher saeed al jeshi |
dubai |
Thank you for this amazing website (the oppressed and the starving shall be victorious), hope to see Suhmata soon. |
February 02, 2006 - 08:10 AM |
167 |
166 |
jamil asad |
uae |
salam 2ela jami3 al suhmata |
January 27, 2006 - 01:10 PM |
165 |
sa3ed ma7mod |
tarsheha |
I am sa3ed ma7mod from tarshe7a village ..iam so happy to know palstenyan people and i hope to meet this people...and iwant to say no one in this world can pull up our village..at the end me and my unckle ahmad s3ed mhmod thanx every one work in this site(for more informion add me saed_mahmod@hotmail.com)
January 23, 2006 - 12:12 PM |
164 |
Abu Zyad |
Haifa |
Dear Ziad Yossef Kassis,
We have received your warm greetings through the website of Suhmata with deep appreciations.
Please convey our Salamat to your parents, uncle Kaisar, aunts and all your relatives.
Let us hope that one day we shall return and meet together in our beloved homeland.
From Abu Zyad - Emil Semaan Kaisar.
January 20, 2006 - 01:30 AM |
163 |
Fida Ahmad Al yamani |
Lebanon |
what shell i say , god bless u , love u all and hope to meet each other oneday in our home . its right u know suhmat cuz u r there , me too know Suhamat from my parents . this sight what we need thanks . |
January 17, 2006 - 05:22 PM |
162 |
ziad yousef kassis |
... |
Hello to everyone from suhmata.
Particularly my relatives in Palestine: Uncle Rizik, Saher, Maher Michael, and Amil Simaan Kaisar.
Happy New to All Family Simaan!
God Bless! |
January 13, 2006 - 05:57 AM |
161 |
noura kadoura |
lebanon |
thanks for this website and for good job
go on this. good luck and hope we can meet one day in our home land palestine |
January 11, 2006 - 08:43 AM |
160 |
Amal Ali Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
I would like to send my warm greetings to Al-Jeshi families every where and all Suhmata people all over the world.
It is very nice to see your salutations in the website.
My great hope to meat all of you in our beloved SUHMATA.
Happy New Year and Blessed Ad7a.
January 10, 2006 - 01:43 PM |
159 |
abu zyad |
haifa |
for all suhmata people
kul aam antum bhir...adha mobarak
thanks u all for what your doing for suhmata.. and go ahead
i wish we well met in our land
abu zyad -amil simaan kaisar |
January 10, 2006 - 12:31 PM |
158 |
Kaddoura Kaddoura |
I love you all. |
January 10, 2006 - 09:36 AM |
157 |
Dina Ahmad Hussein Mohamad |
... |
Greetings to all especially to the supervisors at this website,God Bless You. Hope all can meet one day in our home land PALESTINE and in our town SUHMATA. :) |
January 10, 2006 - 01:28 AM |
156 |
Rashid Kaddoura |
... |
Assalamu Alaikum DeAr AHALI SOHMATA.
May Allah(the GOD) give you all the blessing at this blessed Eid.
Eid Mubarak.
January 10, 2006 - 12:16 AM |
155 |
Esaa'f Saeed Kaddoura |
... |
Thank you for this amazing website (the oppressed and the starving shall be victorious), hope to see Suhmata soon. |
January 09, 2006 - 07:43 AM |
154 |
Imad Khachan |
... |
This is a great site for all the children of Suhmata to keep in touch. I wish ahl ilbalad all the best in Palestin and in exile around the world with the hope that one day soon we will all meet in Suhmata and under the sky of Palestine.
Happy new year to all.
1.9.2006 |
January 09, 2006 - 03:55 AM |
153 |
Riad Hassan Kaddoura |
... |
Want to wish you the best for 2006 to all suhmata people. |
January 08, 2006 - 05:28 PM |
151 |
Mohannad Ammer |
... |
Really I am very glad to see this site that is talking about my country.
I hope all the people in the world know about this site to know about ( SUHMATA)
Thank You Very Much Indeed. |
January 08, 2006 - 05:21 AM |
150 |
Rashid Kaddoura |
... |
Assalamu Alaikum
Happy new year to all families of suhamata. God bless the worker on this site and all the participants.
Habby new year. |
January 01, 2006 - 09:12 PM |
149 |
fatima mohammed fayez |
Danemark |
salam le kul ahlen su7mata |
December 31, 2005 - 08:40 AM |
148 |
December 28, 2005 - 01:59 PM |
147 |
soso |
... |
hope it will b a year full with joy, happiness, peace n love.
tc, hf, byeeeee |
December 28, 2005 - 01:03 PM |
146 |
hashem kaddoura |
Rama |
happy new year for all of you; hope to see you all here in suhmata. god pless you all and god pless suhmata and keep it for ever |
December 27, 2005 - 07:30 AM |
145 |
... |
Merry christmas and happy new year to all suhmata's people in palestine and every where.
may allah bless you all. |
December 24, 2005 - 02:21 AM |
144 |
Mohamad Ahmad Mohamad |
lebanon saida |
What a great deed really
i will thank everyone who made this site specialy the website Administrator and its really the best ever on the network
i hope we will meet soon in our home town Sohmata
I will send all my gretings to all Sohmata ppl in all the world and in our home land Palestine
Thank you and God bless you |
December 23, 2005 - 01:58 AM |
143 |
fadi abed mohammad |
lebanon |
thanks for this website and i hope everybody come back to my lovely villge SOHMATA and special thanks for ur efforts to creat our history about our grandfathers land and i hope we will meet toghther soon |
December 20, 2005 - 11:27 AM |
142 |
Rashid |
... |
Peace be up on you
For the casion of the birth of the Blessed Messiah/ the messenger Jesus peace be up on him I send me best wishes to all members and families of the town of Sohmata Christians and Muslims (surrenders to God).
God Bless you all.
Rashid Kaddoura |
December 19, 2005 - 10:44 PM |
141 |
Ahmad Hussein Mohamad |
Lebanon |
salami ela kol ahali so7mata fi al 2ard al mo7talli, men Al Mohamad w Mahmoud w Mousa w kaddoura w Sem3an w shokran 3ala el website w nargo men allah an yagma3na bekom qareeban w ma thaleka 3ala Allah be3azeez. |
December 19, 2005 - 01:01 PM |
140 |
Firas Ahmed Hussain Mohamed |
Abu Dhabi |
So great to see this big job,Inshalla soon all our dreams become true |
December 19, 2005 - 12:40 PM |
139 |
ahmad elbadawe |
usa |
alsalamo alaikum , good work like this
keeps our history in the heart .
December 17, 2005 - 02:09 PM |
138 |
salam thaer el yamani |
... |
marhaba,i was really glad to read over this site as it enables me to know more about my country (suhmata)and to contact with suhmatian people from all over the world ,thanks for each and every person who participated in this amaizing site ow ye3tekom el 3afye |
December 14, 2005 - 01:37 PM |
137 |
Rashid Kaddoura |
... |
Mashaallah. May Allah Bless you. and protect you from envy and from evil. and may god bless this nice work and return to philistine with believe, love, mercy, joy, and justice dwelling between us.
Good Job. |
December 06, 2005 - 01:47 AM |
136 |
asoola |
... |
hi everybody
good job :) |
December 04, 2005 - 10:05 PM |
135 |
December 04, 2005 - 10:23 AM |
134 |
Naji |
haifa |
i was reading the Shahadat U ZiKryat, the new seciton in the site, and i found my self at the end crying !
What Wrote Mr. Salman Natour in the second article is simply great and i felt that i was watching a film on suhmata...
what can i say, GOD help us , MAYBE one day we will return !! |
November 25, 2005 - 02:47 PM |
133 |
Majd Haddad |
Tharshiha |
my mother form suhmata from simaaN family i love suhmataa i heard many stories about suhmata from my mother grandmother and i have read many books about this sharming vallege SuhMaTTaa
suhmata in my heart |
November 25, 2005 - 04:01 AM |
132 |
ahmed |
Suhmata |
hajj ahmsd saeed mahmood from sohmata originaly
now live in Tarshiha hight galili
wish toall pepole hwo from sohmata com back to sohmata as soon as posipel
for contact me please email me
November 22, 2005 - 09:08 AM |
131 |
Dr.Sawsan Morowah |
Ramallah |
This is a great site.congratulations!!
Our history must always be in our live memory ,so we always carry the seeds of the future in the hearts of the comming generations.
Special greetings to a dear friend HILANA SAMMAAN
November 21, 2005 - 03:58 AM |
130 |
asoola |
... |
good job everybody,
nice site,
keep it up :)
November 20, 2005 - 10:41 PM |
129 |
Monira Audi Issa |
Germany |
Dear my brothers and sister,
I'am very glad that I have more then since 51 years the possibilitie to talk to my people in all over the world. I'am also very proud that nobody of us forget their roots. I hope that we will have one day in over live that we find each orther in OUR homeland FILISTIN!!!
Greetings to all of you!! |
November 18, 2005 - 01:36 PM |
128 |
Suhmani |
Hi for all. Nice site. Thanks for all who made effort to create it. |
November 15, 2005 - 12:38 PM |
127 |
Maher Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
i love palestine and i hope i could be there someday! |
November 15, 2005 - 09:11 AM |
126 |
Dana Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
this is an amazing website that is a reminder of our beloved country palestine and our dear Suhmata..
i hope we all can reunite and be together as one family in the Lands of Palestine and Specially in Suhmata
Peace ^_^ |
November 15, 2005 - 09:09 AM |
125 |
Hadil Mohd Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
This site is a reminder for all those who forgot that this land belongs to a people who lived in their villages and cities once.
Thanks to those people who remind us always that the right of return is one of the issues we will never ever forget.
November 14, 2005 - 11:45 AM |
124 |
Mohd. Faris Kaddoura |
... |
I am really proud to be one of this village. I wish I can visit the location to pray for God.
Best wishes to all and wish to be one hand.
Regards. |
November 14, 2005 - 02:34 AM |
123 |
Abeer Mohammad Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
Hi all, I am very proud that we have a site like this one so we can gather here "Abnaa Suhmata", and get to know each other and our town better
November 14, 2005 - 12:30 AM |
122 |
one of abna'a Suhmata |
... |
Suhmata..We know the road to (YOU),but we don't know (YOU).
Many thanks to the founders of this magnificent lovely site which keeps "SUHMATA" in our hearts.
November 13, 2005 - 01:48 PM |
121 |
Walid Hassib Kaddoura |
... |
Good Morning. |
November 05, 2005 - 12:44 PM |
120 |
November 04, 2005 - 09:45 PM |
119 |
fatmi |
jatt |
i love u
October 30, 2005 - 03:39 AM |
118 |
Mahmoud Salim Mahmoud Yousef Kaddoura |
... |
Salut every one especially our relatives inside palestine ,, we miss you ,, and we promise that we will return.. I am really glad to see this site ,, those who can go to sohmata ,,please kiss its stones from our behalf .. |
October 25, 2005 - 11:01 PM |
117 |
mohammed kaddoura |
lebanon |
hi to everybody.. |
October 25, 2005 - 06:25 AM |
116 |
Aseel |
hi all
Ramadan Kareem
kl 3am w ento b 5er
i have a suggestion for the website, which is to do somthing like a newsletter or suhmata news to keep knowing all suhmata family activites which will allow us to stay much closer to our country
October 24, 2005 - 12:13 PM |
115 |
Rameh Sh. Kaddoura |
lebanon |
good morning .... |
October 22, 2005 - 11:22 PM |
114 |
Rameh sh. Kaddoura |
lebanon |
hi every one and spcial thanks for the people who work at this nice website |
October 22, 2005 - 03:52 PM |
113 |
Mohammad Azzam |
Kuwait |
Thank you so much for giving us all this information >> we will back soon.. we love Suhmata.. Please don't forget Mr. Ahmad Al-Yamani.. all time we have to talk about him and what is he doing for Suhmata... thanks |
October 14, 2005 - 02:49 PM |
112 |
Abnaa Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
Our heartfelt greetings and Ramadan Kareem to you all.. let us hope to congratulate each other in the coming future in our beloved village Suhmata. |
October 05, 2005 - 03:22 PM |
111 |
Salwa Hussein Ayoub |
Hi to all, and especially to ABNAA Suhmata Association, I must say I love this web site, Keep on your strong efforts and work. Thank you for keeping Suhmata alive for the next generations. |
October 03, 2005 - 01:11 AM |
110 |
Mossa Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
Warm greetings to the young generation and all people of Suhmata all over the world.
It is so nice to see many people of you are full in enthusiasm and hope to come back home.
Suhmata is waiting to meet it's beloved sons.
Salamat to you all....
October 01, 2005 - 04:09 AM |
109 |
Akram Khaled Saeed Elabed Moussa |
First of All, I would like to thank you all for the wonderful web site that have been developed to keep us in touch.
I am so sure that one day we shall return to our home. Our passion and love to our home will keep increasing from one generation to another.May Allah bless you all !
Akram Mossa |
September 25, 2005 - 11:31 PM |
108 |
Khaled Omar Qassem El Abed MOUSSA |
... |
Although we are refugees in Lebanon,still the love to Palestine & Suhmata existing in our hearts & minds.
The culture of passion to our homeland Palestine shall be transferred from one generation to another and then the Return day will become a reality.Salam to my relatives in Tarsheeha,Salam to You all. |
September 23, 2005 - 01:23 AM |
107 |
Maher Ahmed Mohd Kaddoura |
... |
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very nice website. Continue your work, as is possible, and I will remain thankful for the energies exhibited in maintaining such an insightful website. From my side I just wanted to let you know that I will do my best to collect any information can be support your website and activities to come more and more successful.
Well-done Abnaa Suhmata – appreciation |
September 15, 2005 - 04:29 PM |
106 |
Yosef Jmal |
Egypt |
What can I say, I am shedding tears while reading these information about Suhmata and seeing it is pictures.
I it is wonderful to see that people are not giving up and that they still believe that they can return one day to there land.
This site is a testimony and a mark for the generation coming that they shall not never forget there beloved Holy Land.
Thank you all, who put hand in this site, I would mention the designer which did a nice job also the person who wrote the information and collected the pictures and put all together, thank you all ….
Yosef Jmal
Egypt |
September 15, 2005 - 07:02 AM |
105 |
Mohd khaled Moussa |
Abu Dhabi |
First of all let me extend my gratitude & Appreciation to all of you for the great deed you are doing. It is realy a great achievement to keep reminding us and the rest of the world about our beloved Suhmata. We have never forgot Suhmata & will never do. We raised & grew up dreaming about going back to our land.This dream will come true in the near future.Let us keep in touch & let us know how can we help. Keep up the good work & God bless you all. |
September 13, 2005 - 10:55 AM |
104 |
Em Abed |
Boston |
To all Palestinian's, especially the Kaddoura brothers, may you all find peace... |
September 10, 2005 - 07:36 PM |
103 |
Ahmad Dib Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi |
Thanks for the great effort made by all the participants to make this site one of the many things which will remind us about our beloved "Suhmata"
Hope, that we shall return one day.
thanks Wajeeh, helana and all who put their efforts in this site. |
September 04, 2005 - 02:06 PM |
102 |
Hanna Mubada Semaan |
Haifa |
I like this site because it enables us to express ourselves in loving our village.
It is very nice to keep our dreams alive to return back home.
we have to strenghten our ties with our roots and trust in our just cause.
Salamat to everyone of you... |
September 04, 2005 - 09:21 AM |
101 |
Abed A. Moussa |
Canada |
Our dreams to our beautiful country will never die |
August 28, 2005 - 10:28 AM |
100 |
Fadi |
Haifa |
This site is a reminder for all those who forgot that this land belongs to a people who lived in their villages and cities once.
Thanks to those people who remind us always that the right of return is one of the issues we will never ever forget.
thank you all |
August 27, 2005 - 03:10 AM |
98 |
Mahmoud Jabr |
Lebanon |
Hello to all.I wish to see more paticipants in the guest book. Seeing the settlers leaving Gaza,gave me big hope for the future. It is our destiny to fight and deal with Gods lowest creatures. Beleive me people it is great to be Palestinian,never give up the hope.
It is great to see you brother Khalid in the guest book.Tons of kisses for you.
Have a good night all. |
August 19, 2005 - 02:01 PM |
96 |
Mahmoud Jabr Kaddoura |
China |
Gaza today,when is Suhmata's turn??????
We need Allah's help in this. |
August 17, 2005 - 02:22 PM |
95 |
farisbassambelche |
auh |
thank you |
August 13, 2005 - 10:44 PM |
94 |
bassambelche |
auh |
thank you |
August 13, 2005 - 10:43 PM |
93 |
Tarek Ali |
... |
Hi to all relatives and friends of suhmata.I am 13 years old. My grandfather Jaber (abu haseeb) used to tell me stories about suhmata. I wish I go there soon. |
August 08, 2005 - 05:11 PM |
92 |
abdulqader bassam belche |
holand |
thank you wajeh |
August 07, 2005 - 06:41 PM |
91 |
najibfris belche |
abudhabi |
i donot know suhmata but i know my father is from suhmata. i sure too he do not know it but thanks 4 these pictures |
August 07, 2005 - 06:39 PM |
90 |
Mostafa Sleman |
... |
Nice Web .. And nice Work..
God will Help as And we will Back to our contry Suhmata .. |
August 05, 2005 - 11:39 PM |
89 |
abed kaddoura |
... |
my name:abed
iam from palastine and now in Sweden :)
my country in palastine name: suhmata :)
August 04, 2005 - 02:23 AM |
88 |
Osama Simaan |
Fassouta |
I am very proud to see through this site so many people of Suhmata are very stick to their beloved village.
It is very nice to look at our past and to live our tale.
We are full of hope in the future.
One day we shall return, because Suhmata is FOR US and for the coming generation.
Salamat to all of you and to all supporters of our just cause. |
August 01, 2005 - 09:28 AM |
87 |
belche.faris |
July 30, 2005 - 02:30 PM |
86 |
Mahmoud Jaber Kaddoura |
China |
Hello to all,this message is for brother Khalid Jaber in Holland.Dear brother I understand your feelings,but at the same time,I think there is no thing wrong of having a nice dream or even the idea of going back to Suhmata. Beleive me,never give up the hope,the idea of going back give us Palestinians this special strength of facing this injust world.Life never was fair. |
July 28, 2005 - 11:19 PM |
85 |
Maissa Majed Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi |
we shall return to our home land |
July 17, 2005 - 09:40 AM |
84 |
Sami Kaddoura |
... |
Good job Mr. Wajeeh Samaan. Hi all Suhmateeze--wish you all a good health--special Hi to yourself Amer and his wife. |
July 17, 2005 - 07:28 AM |
82 |
Rawya Hayek |
I liked this site very much.
We will return one day, i have no doubt on that.
Greetings to the people of Suhmata
July 14, 2005 - 07:33 PM |
80 |
June 27, 2005 - 09:19 PM |
79 |
Lutfiya Mobada Sema'n |
Haifa |
I will never forget those days i lived in Suhmata among my relatives and neighbors.
I am always dreaming that i still living there.
One day we shall RETURN and meet together on its soil.
Salamat to all... |
June 23, 2005 - 06:35 PM |
78 |
Bassam |
Jordan |
One on the Greatest Webistes i visited ever...
I like a lot the News section, it is making the site live...
Finally i wanna send my greetings to all our palsetinian refuges all over the wolrd whenever they are.
I am sure we gonna return one day ... |
June 14, 2005 - 06:59 PM |
77 |
Neami |
Haifa |
Thank you very mcu for this nice site.
All our Palestinian Villages are in our hearts.
Keep on your great work.
Gob Belss you |
June 13, 2005 - 07:57 PM |
75 |
Maher Ali Kaddoura |
... |
I wish this site helps in keeping Suhmata and Palestine in our hearts and minds. Thanks alot to those who constructed it. |
June 12, 2005 - 11:43 PM |
74 |
olga Kaddoura |
It's great to have a site that gathers all of us, so that we can get to know each other. GREAT job everyone and keep up the good work..it's an honour to meet you all
Olga |
June 12, 2005 - 10:51 PM |
73 |
Ahmad Kaddoura |
China |
Dear Mr. Wageeh:
Thank you for the warm welcome, you already have a place in our hearts and souls.
Please check your email.
Till we meet, best regards. |
June 12, 2005 - 09:35 PM |
72 |
Wageeh Sema'n |
Haifa |
To Ahmad Kaddoura
We salute your initiative to arrange a group to visit Suhmata next spring.
Welcome in your homeland, and we will put you in our hearts and eyes..
Let us raise aloft the banner of the Right of Return!
Waiting to meet you ...
Abnaa Suhmata Association
Wageeh Sema'n |
June 12, 2005 - 07:28 PM |
71 |
Ahmad Kaddoura |
Invitation: Hello to all, I am planning to visit Suhmata next spring. This message is to the ones who hold foriegn passports.
If there is any interest, please email me. It is nice to visit Suhmata as a group.
Best regards to all of you. |
June 12, 2005 - 09:28 AM |
70 |
Fatheiah Mohammed Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi |
Good Morning Suhmata |
June 12, 2005 - 12:33 AM |
69 |
Leena Yousef Amer |
Abu Dhabi |
Good morning Suhmata |
June 12, 2005 - 12:30 AM |
68 |
Yousef Abdul-Ghani Amer |
Abu Dhabi |
We'll come back |
June 12, 2005 - 12:29 AM |
67 |
Mohammed Yousef Amer |
Abu Dhabi |
Good morning Suhmata |
June 12, 2005 - 12:28 AM |
66 |
Amal Ahmad El Yamani Hamam |
... |
Thanks for every one who put an effort in this very important and proffesional website.We are very Proud of you People,and of our dear homeland Palestine.We had never forgot you Suhmata,you are always in our hearts so,untill we comeback to you and meet your trees and your soil and eat from the olive trees that my parents always talk about,i want to sent my suppport and my love to all the palestinian people and Alf salam . |
June 11, 2005 - 06:17 AM |
65 |
Aseel Kaddoura |
I really like this site, and its nice to still see people that care about their original HOME and country, i would also like to get to know the people of suhmata more, so any body that would like to send me e-mails on miss_moi_a@hotmail.com i will be more than happy. GOOD LUCK !! :) |
June 10, 2005 - 02:34 PM |
63 |
Ezzat Abdulrahim Kaddoura |
United Arab Emirates |
Best of luck for all |
June 09, 2005 - 08:03 AM |
62 |
Ali Abdul Salam Kaddoura |
... |
Greetings to all Suhmata people, and congratulations to the people who made this website, hope this will be a place for us to meet and communicate. |
June 09, 2005 - 07:22 AM |
61 |
walid Abdul Rahim Kaddoura |
United Arab Emirates |
Thanks for those who created this website throughwhich we Sohmata guys can cmmunicate.
walid |
June 08, 2005 - 07:06 PM |
60 |
kamal sliman |
Haifa |
salamat for all our brothers and sisters to all ahali suhmata .i thank all abnaa suhmata that they are warking hard to do something spesial to suhmata. the singer of suhmata KAMAL SLIMAN |
June 05, 2005 - 03:20 PM |
59 |
Joumana Eljishi |
Lebanon |
Hello to all the people of Palestine. Just I have one wish in my life, one day we all go back to Palestine, and Suhmata. |
June 05, 2005 - 12:14 AM |
56 |
Elie |
Nazareth |
Thank for the nice website to help us not to forget specially for us the young genration |
May 31, 2005 - 07:59 PM |
55 |
Adnan Ali Kaddoura |
... |
Thanks for every effort done to make this website. Regards to all, hope to meet on Sohmata Lands (our lands) one day, inshallah |
May 26, 2005 - 08:29 AM |
54 |
Donya Fahid Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
It is very nice to communicate Suhmata people everywhere through this website.
Let us strengthen our ties.
Salamat to all |
May 25, 2005 - 06:18 PM |
53 |
Jawdat AbdulRahim Kaddoura |
Abu Dhabi |
Dear all,really thanks for the efforts paid to create this idea, I hope to have a link in the future between us outside palstine and suhmata sons in palestine. |
May 25, 2005 - 12:07 PM |
52 |
Walid Jabr Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
I thank all Abnna' Suhmata assoc. for their work on this site.We do not live in Suhmata,but Suhmata lives in all of us.My best regards to all Suhmata people around the world. |
May 14, 2005 - 05:11 AM |
51 |
Mahmoud Jabr Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Dear Association members,I would love to go and visit Suhmata,but unfortunately I can't do that now.
Insha Allah after we have our Palestinian state,that will be the first thing to do.
Best regards to all. |
May 09, 2005 - 09:11 PM |
50 |
Abnaa Suhmata Association |
Haifa |
Dear Sahamneh
We invite you to visit our beloved village in the 57th commemoration of AL-NAKBA in 12th of may at 11th AM .
We are aware of our responsibility to continue this struggle for our just cause - THE RIGHT OF RETURN .
Warm Greetings to all people of Suhmata all over the world.
Abnaa Suhmata Association |
May 05, 2005 - 10:52 AM |
49 |
Mahmoud Jaber Kaddoura |
China |
Best regards to all of you. |
May 03, 2005 - 09:27 PM |
48 |
Mohanna - Simaan |
Fassouta |
" Salamat to all Suhmata's people in every place they are .
We don't live in Suhmata
But Suhmata is living in our hearts. |
April 19, 2005 - 02:52 PM |
47 |
Yosef Simaan |
... |
I look forward to being with my friends and relatives and with all the people of suhmata....... shedo hemtkooo bdnaa nrj3 3laa el wtn ...... alh m3akooo ...... |
April 18, 2005 - 12:16 PM |
46 |
Nidal El Jishi |
Lebanon |
Salamat |
April 18, 2005 - 04:30 AM |
45 |
Hala Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
I love Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 04:28 AM |
44 |
Ameena Ahmad Kaddoura |
Kuwait |
Good morning Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 01:37 AM |
43 |
Haseeb JabreKaddoura |
Kuwait |
Good morning Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 01:36 AM |
42 |
Khaled JabreKaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 01:34 AM |
41 |
Nasser Ahmad Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 01:33 AM |
40 |
Zeyad Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Suhmata |
April 18, 2005 - 01:32 AM |
39 |
Khaled Walid Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Palestine |
April 18, 2005 - 01:32 AM |
38 |
Nader Ahmad Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Palestine |
April 18, 2005 - 01:31 AM |
37 |
Walid Jabre Kaddoura |
Lebanon |
Good morning Palestine |
April 18, 2005 - 01:31 AM |
36 |
Ahmad Jabre Kaddoura |
China |
Hello to all you peolple. |
April 18, 2005 - 01:28 AM |
35 |
Iris Bar |
Haifa |
Love the exelent website - very professional & updated,
Keep on the good work,
and 2nsha2allah wael3awda qaribah
April 14, 2005 - 10:28 AM |
34 |
Fahed Mossa Al-Jeshi |
Haifa |
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to send through Suhmata Website my greetings to all Suhmata families in all the corners of the globe.
I love you very much...
April 07, 2005 - 05:40 PM |
33 |
Hanna Mubada Semaan |
Haifa |
I am so very glad to send my hot greetings to everyone from suhmata all over the world, and i hope this nice website could contribute in serving our just cause.
Salamat to all ...
March 31, 2005 - 05:15 PM |
32 |
Osama Ahmad Kadoura |
... |
Salam to all, It's nice to learn about
Suhmata and see some pictures as I've never been there. Excellent work keep it up and let's know if we can do anything to help.
God bless and salam to all. |
March 31, 2005 - 02:34 AM |
31 |
hashem kaddoura |
... |
i would like to thank every one in jam3iet suhmata for this wonderfull site
thank you |
March 20, 2005 - 11:39 PM |
30 |
siham |
... |
it was so nice to visit suhmata on satuday the 19th
thanks for your hostality. |
March 20, 2005 - 03:13 PM |
29 |
Ahmad Naim Kaddoura |
Danmark |
Thanks you hereunto the wonderful signer and special in the male upright on execution his special thanks and we on documents him that this signer will increase from the continuity evident sons of the country the one will and stay Suhmata mountaintops magnificent in laxative her and her valleys make a living in our hearts will and be Suhmata in our hearts and hearts of the generations |
March 15, 2005 - 08:03 PM |
28 |
To the "SAHAMNEH" all over the world.
Iam so happy to share with you my good feeligs with the born of our site.
Our site is a connection link between the "SAHAMNEH" and are birth of our village.
When I read your names and comments akind of happiness full my heart.
We in "ABNAA SUHMATA ASSOCIATION" expectative for continuous connection and we will try to answer your questions about "SUHMATA" .
God BLESS you.
March 12, 2005 - 03:29 PM |
27 |
Mahmoud Jabr Kaddoura |
... |
I was realy glad and thriled when I found Suhmata site.Wish you the best,and if we can be of any help,we'll be there.
Good luck. |
March 07, 2005 - 02:41 AM |
26 |
Amal Simaan |
... |
For all friends from Suhmata,
Greetings for Suhmata's website..
I hope to see you soon in Suhmata |
March 04, 2005 - 09:48 PM |
25 |
Nabil Said Kaddoura |
Cuba |
In this shrinking world, our meeting has become necessary. Thanks for this space that makes that possible, the initiative to use internet for linking the "sahamneh." Between us and our homeland that has no other and thanks for letting us know our Suhmata is waiting for us and is present in our minds and hearts in many of its children.
I live in Cuba and am mainly a Spanish-Arabic translator, but also a journalist, although recently I have not been practicing that profession for objective reasons. If I can contribute in any way to the success of this site, I offer my efforts with all my heart. |
March 01, 2005 - 03:43 PM |
24 |
Abdulhadi Saleh Kaddoura |
.. |
Excellent job. keep up the good work. check out our new website for the kaddouras.
salaamat |
February 26, 2005 - 06:28 AM |
23 |
Jamil Said Kaddoura |
This is really touching. Very contented to see a site for SUHMATA in such a shape. May God provide you with the patience to make it tighten the bonds between our families and help our children always remember the homeland.
Salam. |
February 22, 2005 - 07:40 PM |
22 |
Fayez Mahmoud al-Hajjar |
... |
Congratulations on this beautiful site. I was so happy to see the pictures of the village in which I was born and I hope I can see suhmata again . my sincere greetings to all the families of suhmata who stayed in Palestine |
ruary 21, 2005 - 03:35 AM |
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Omar Mourrah |
Belgium |
Excellent intiative and Good work! Sure all Suhmatians will appreciate your good efforts to keep all Sohmatians, all plaestinians to remeber and never forget their beloved Sohmata & their beloved Palestine.
Love Suhmata, Love Palestine |
February 20, 2005 - 11:26 PM |
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Walid Kadoura |
nice site.it brought us back to our memories in our village
thank you for ur effort
we're ready to help you anytime
Walid Saeed Jamil Kaddoura |
February 20, 2005 - 06:53 PM |
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Fadi E. Semaan |
... |
This is a great website !!!
a chance to look at Suhmata and remember ...
and to know that there is still people in the world with hope for the return to our village .
Keep It On..
Fadi |
February 19, 2005 - 01:45 PM |
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Wajeeh Semaan |
Suhmata |
Welcome to Suhmata
Dear Friends,
We call on you to visit and explore Suhmata's website, to familiarize yourselves with its short history and geography, its stories and tales, its people who are dreaming of returning home after a long, arbitrary absence, and the activities they have implemented to further this green dream.
Until we may meet, we hope that this website will serve as a window of communication among Suhmatans in the diaspora and within the fatherland.
We greatly appreciate your virtual visit to Suhamata, and thank you for any help in our endeavor to return to our beloved village, and rebuild it anew.
Wageeh Seman
Abnaa Suhmata Association |
February 17, 2005 - 01:10 AM |
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Yasmeen Eady |
... |
I look forward to being with my friends and relatives and with all the people of Suhmata this coming summer! Beautiful website, keep up the good work. best wishes,
Yasmeen |
February 16, 2005 - 05:44 AM |
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sabri khaled mohamad |
denmark |
good wishes and best regards to all the families of sohmata, who are living in or out side .
and thanks to wajeeh semaan, and maqboola nassar.
aasa allhu an yajmaaana beaadain |
February 16, 2005 - 01:20 AM |
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Ayeda |
Canada |
Great Website. My name is Ayeda and I work for Al-awda here in Toronto (check our website http://al-awda.ca) we will place a link to your site on our website. I'm interested in knowing more about the book on suhmata that you mention and how we can obtain a write-up and photo of the cover for our website, and perhaps how we can obtain a copy for our resource.
Salamat and thanks,
Ayeda |
February 14, 2005 - 04:45 AM |
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Issam Ahmad Al Yamani |
Canada |
This is a noble effort by the remaining Suhmatans. It is a clear message which declares that " we are not giving up" our beloved Suhmata / Palestine. Look forward to see the contribution of the Suhmatan refugees. Let us show real unity. I love you Suhmata and Suhmatans. |
February 14, 2005 - 12:59 AM |
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emile semaan |
... |
very very nice , thank u fadi s .
and salamat for suhmata's families. |
February 10, 2005 - 09:29 PM |
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Sami S. |
... |
Congratulations! Ashuddo 3ala ayadeekom! |
February 07, 2005 - 07:29 PM |
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Fadi Suidan |
Haifa |
Very Nice site... |
February 07, 2005 - 07:21 PM |
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